

单词 hear
hear ★★★
1  I/T  never progressive to realize that someone or something is making a sound 听见

He listened but heard nothing more. 他留神听,但再没听见什么。

Mary heard the sound of voices. 玛丽听见了说话声。

sb cancould hear Shh - I can’ t hear. 嘘,我听不见。

+what No one could hear what she said. 没人听得见她说了什么。

hear sbsth do sth He heard the door slam shut. 他听见门砰的一声关上了。

hear sbsth doing sth She heard the dog barking outside. 她听见狗在外面叫。

2  I/T  not usually progressive to receive information about something 得知;获悉

Have you heard? Lucy passed her exam. 你知道吗?露西通过考试了。

+(that) I heard he’ d got a new job. 我得知他找到了新工作。

+about Did you hear about Jim’ s party? 你知道吉姆举办聚会的事吗?

+of We didn’ t hear of his death until many years later. 过了好多年我们才得知他的死讯。

be pleasedsorry etc to hear I’ m delighted to hear that you’ re coming. 听说你要来我很高兴。

+whathow etc I came home as soon as I heard what happened. 一听说发生的事,我马上就回家了。

hear rumoursthe news We heard rumours that the school was going to close. 我们听谣传说学校要关门了。

3  T  to listen to someone who is speaking about a particular thing 听;倾听

We’ ll meet again in two weeks, when I’ ll hear your suggestions. 两星期后我们再见面,到时我会听听你的建议。

+what We’ re all eager to hear what he has to say. 我们都很想听听他要说些什么。

hear sb on sth All members are entitled to be heard on this matter. 每个成员对此事的看法都应受到关注。

3a  T  to listen to something such as a speech , performance , or programme 听(演讲、表演或节目等)

I want to hear the news on the radio before I go. 我想在走以前听听收音机里的新闻。

Do you want to hear this story or not? 你要不要听这个故事?

hear sb do sth He’ s got a great voice – you should hear him sing. 他的嗓音太棒了,你应该听听他唱歌。

4  T  to notice that someone is feeling a particular way from the way that they are speaking (从某人的说话方式中)感觉出,听出

He heard the bitterness in her voice. 他从她的话音里听出了讽刺。

4a  I/T  to understand what someone is saying to you 听明白

Look, you’ re just not hearing me, are you? 喂,你没听明白, 是不是?

5  I/T  used for talking about the things that people say 听说

I’ m surprised to hear you say that. 听见你那么说,我很吃惊。

I haven’ t heard him offering to help (=he has not offered) . 我不曾听说他主动提出帮忙。

You won’ t hear me complain (=I won’ t complain) . 你不会听到我抱怨的。

be heard to remarkcommentsay etc One visitor was heard to remark something about the entrance fee. 听说有个来访者说了些有关门票费用的事。

6  T  if a court case is heard , it is dealt with by a court or judge 审理(案件)

The appeal will be heard by a single judge. 这一上诉将由一名法官单独审理。

6a if the court hears something , that is what is said in court 听取

The court heard that he had been drinking. 法庭听取的证词是他一直在喝酒。

The jury heard evidence from his employees. 陪审团听取了他的几位雇员的证词。

-   be hearing things
to think that you have heard something when you have not
-   can’ t hear yourself think
to be unable to hear because a place is very noisy
-   do you hear (me)?/you hear (me)? spoken
used for emphasizing what you are saying , especially when you think someone is not paying attention

I want this mess tidied up now - do you hear? 我要你现在就把这堆乱七八糟的东西收拾好,你听见了吗?

-   from what I hear/from what I’ ve heard spoken
used for giving information based on what people have told you rather than what you know is true
-   have heard it (all) before spoken
to not believe what someone is saying or not be impressed by it
-   have not heard the last of
used for saying that you think someone or something will continue to succeed or be famous , even though they have failed once
-   have you heard (the one) about?/did you hear about? spoken
used when you are starting to tell a joke
-   Hear! Hear!
used for saying that you strongly agree with what someone has just said
-   hear ye
an old phrase used for introducing an official spoken announcement , especially in a court
-   I hear spoken
1 used for introducing a subject that you want to discuss with someone that someone else has told you about 我听说(用来引出想要讨论的话题)

I hear you’ re leaving us. 我听说你要离开我们。

2 used for saying what someone has told you , rather than what you know is true 我听说(用来表示所听说之事未必是真)

I hear she’ s as tough as anything. 我听说她很难对付。

-   I hear you spoken
1 used for telling someone that you understand their opinion , especially when you disagree with it 我明白你的意思(尤用于不同意对方的意见时)
2 AMERICAN  used for agreeing with what someone says 我明白你的意思(用于同意对方的意见时)
-   I hear you say/cry mainly spoken
used for saying what you think someone’ s opinion will be , so that you can give your reaction to it

What about the cost, I hear you say. 费用怎么办?我听听你怎么说。

-   I’ ve heard about spoken
used for saying that you know something about someone or something , usually something that is not very pleasant

I’ ve heard about people like you. 我听说过像你这样的人。

-   let’ s hear it spoken
used for telling someone to say what they are thinking
-   let’ s hear it for spoken
used for saying that you think someone or something deserves a lot of praise
-   make yourself heard
to say something loudly enough for people to hear
-   never hear the end/last of it
used for saying that someone will continue to talk about something they have achieved in a way that is annoying

If he gets a date with Clare, we’ ll never hear the end of it. 如果他跟克莱尔有个约会,他会说个没完没了。

-   not want to hear sth
to not be willing to discuss or consider something

I don’ t want to hear another word on the subject. 关于这个问题我一个字都不想听了。

-   she’ ll/they’ ll etc hear about it spoken
used for saying that you will be angry with someone , and you will tell them this
ˈhear from
1 if you hear from someone , they write or call you 收到…的来信;接到…的电话

It’ s ages since I heard from Jill. 我很久没收到吉尔的信了。

The police would like to hear from anyone who witnessed the accident. 警方希望任何目击这场事故的人给他们打电话。

2 to listen to someone who is speaking about a particular thing 听…的发言

The Commission heard from over thirty witnesses. 委员会听取了30多个证人的证言。

Next we’ ll hear from a listener in Nottingham. 下面我们将听到一位诺丁汉听众的发言。

-   she’ ll/they’ ll/you’ ll etc hear from me spoken
used for saying that you will be angry with someone , and you will tell them this

He’ d better apologize to you or he’ ll be hearing from me! 他最好向你道歉,否则我会要他好看的!

ˈhear of
1 hear of sth: to find out that something has happened 听说;得知

I was shocked to hear of his death. 听说他去世了,我惊愕不已。

2 hear of sb: to receive news about someone 听到有关(某人)的消息

Not much was heard of him until his reappearance last night. 在昨晚他重新露面之前没听到过多少有关他的消息。

-   have heard of
to know about the existence of someone or something

‘It was James Bomford.’ ‘Never heard of him!’ “是詹姆斯·邦福德。”“从没听说过他!”

Have you heard of WAP phones? “你听说过上网手机吗?”

-   not hear of it
to refuse to accept a suggestion or offer

I said he could stay with us, but he wouldn’ t hear of it. 我说他可以跟我们呆在一起,可他不听。

ˌhear ˈout
hear sb out: to let someone finish what they are saying without interrupting 听某人说完

I’ m serious about this; hear me out, please. 我是认真的;请听我说完。

When you hear a sound, you become conscious of it: Did you hear the thunder last night? 昨晚你听见雷声了吗? I did not hear the door open. 我没听见门开的声音。When you listen , you deliberately pay attention to a sound in order to hear itlisten表示为了听见一个声音而对其特别注意: I listened carefully but I could not hear the thunder. 我仔细地听,但听不见雷声。 I always listen to the radio in my car. 我总是在自己的汽车里听广播。You hear something, but you listen to something.




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