

单词 harness
harness 1
NOUN  C   
a set of strong leather bands used for fastening around an animal such as a horse so that it can pull a vehicle 挽具;马具
a a set of strong bands of leather , cloth , or rope used for fastening someone in a particular place or position or for fastening something to their body 系带

He was not wearing a safety harness when he fell. 他跌落时没系安全带。

-   in harness
1 informal   doing your usual job or activity , especially after a period when you were not doing it (尤指在停了一段时间后又恢复到)日常工作中
2 working with someone as an equal partner 肩并肩;共同

We worked in harness on our last job. 我们的最后一项工作是一起做的。

3 a horse that is in harness is wearing a harness (马)套上挽具的




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