

单词 reduce
reduce ★★★
VERB  T   
1 to make something smaller or less in size , amount , importance etc 减少;减低;缩小

Try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet. 要尽量减少饮食中的脂肪。

reduce sth by sth The workforce will be reduced by around 30 per cent. 劳动力将缩减大约30%。

reduce sth from sth to sth It has reduced its size from about 135,000 employees to 75,000. 其规模已经从大约135,000名员工裁减到75,000人。

Her lawyers got the charge reduced from murder to manslaughter. 她的律师把对她的指控由谋杀罪降为过失杀人。

reduce sth to the minimum Risks must be reduced to the absolute minimum. 必须把危险降到绝对最低值。

reduce sth in size/number etc Their army will be drastically reduced in size and influence. 他们的部队将要大幅缩小规模,降低影响。

greatly/significantly reduce sth The new systems should significantly reduce the amount of paper we use. 新系统将极大地减少我们的耗纸量。

2 to lower the price of something 降价

reduce sth to sth All children’ s shoes are now reduced to £10 a pair. 现在所有童鞋降价为每双10英镑。

3 to make a sauce thicker and increase its flavour by boiling it 使(调味汁)浓缩变稠
  Words frequently used with reduce
  reduce 的常见搭配词
  adverbs   considerably, dramatically, drastically, gradually, greatly, sharply, significantly, substantially,
reˈduce to
1 reduce sth to sth: to make something become a particular thing by destroying it or crushing it 把…毁坏(或压挤)成…

The fruit is reduced to a pulp and then mixed with sugar. 把水果榨成浆状,然后拌上糖。

This beautiful forest has been reduced to a wasteland. 这片美丽的森林已被毁,变成了一片荒地。

reduce sth to rubble/dust/ashes The building was reduced to rubble by the explosion. 爆炸把这栋大楼变为一片瓦砾。

2 reduce sb to sth: to force someone into a particular unpleasant state or situation 使陷入(不利境地)

Stress had reduced him to a nervous wreck. 压力使他的神经都要崩溃了。

2a to upset or shock someone so much that they cry or are unable to speak 把某人弄哭/使某人哑口无言




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