

单词 happy
happy ★★★
1 feeling pleased and satisfied 高兴的;满意的;幸福的

The children seem very happy at school. 看来孩子们在学校里很高兴。

Sarah felt happy for the first time in her life. 萨拉有生以来第一次感到幸福。

+about Anna was excited and happy about the baby. 这个婴儿让安娜既激动又高兴。

happy doing sth So you’ re happy living in London? 这么说你住在伦敦很愉快?

make sb happy Money alone will never make you happy. 只有金钱是绝不能使你幸福的。

1a satisfied that something is good or right , and therefore not worried about it 对…感到满意的;认为…是好的;认为…是对的

+with Are you happy with this arrangement? 你对这个安排感到满意吗?

+about I’ m not very happy about the children being out so late. 孩子们这么晚了还在外头,我觉得不太好。

+that Happy that everything had been finalized, we left. 一切都定下来了,我们满意地离开了。

happy to do sth Her parents were happy to know she’ d got a good job. 得知她找到了一份好工作,她父母都很高兴。

keep sb happy Rising profits is the only news that keeps the bosses happy. 利润增长是唯一能让老板们高兴的消息。

reasonably/perfectly happy Most people were perfectly happy with the decision. 大多数人都对这个决定感到非常满意。

2 a happy time , place , event etc is one in which enjoyable things happen (时光、地方、事情等)令人愉快的,幸福的,快乐的

We wish him a very happy retirement. 我们祝他退休生活愉快。

a happy marriage/childhood/life 幸福的婚姻/童年/生活

a happy ending I do like a film to have a happy ending! 我就是喜欢电影能有个美满的结局!

-   be happy for sb
to be pleased because something good has happened to someone else
-   be happy to do sth
if you are happy to do something , you are very willing to do it

I’ m quite happy to do some of the cooking. 我非常乐意做点饭。

more than happy (=very willing) I’ d be more than happy to help. 非常乐意

-   Happy Birthday/Christmas/Easter/Anniversary
used as a greeting on a particular occasion
  Words frequently used with happy
  happy 的常见搭配词
  adverbs   blissfully, completely, perfectly, quite, reasonably,
Feeling happy and hopeful is like being high up or like moving upwards . Feeling sad and unhappy is like being low down or like falling .
感到高兴和充满希望就像是在高处(high up)或是向上升(moving upwards)。感到悲伤和不高兴就像是在低处(low down) 或是下降(falling)。
The news lifted her spirits.这一消息振奋了她的精神。
Things are looking up.情况正在好转。
Cheer up!振作起来!
My spirits rose when I got her letter.我收到她的信后精神大振。
I’ ve been walking/floating on air ever since.从此我一直感到飘飘然。
I was over the moon when they told me.他们告诉我时,我真乐坏了。
I felt as high as a kite.我飘飘欲仙。
She’ s on top of the world/on cloud nine.她幸福极了。
I was in seventh heaven.我快乐极了。
I feel really down/low about it all.对这一切我都感到非常沮丧。
He’ s in very low spirits.他非常沮丧。
He’ s in the depths of despair.他陷入了绝望的深渊。
My heart sank when I saw him.看到他,我心里一沉。
They looked very down in the mouth/down in the dumps.他们看起来极为沮丧/闷闷不乐。
Happiness and hope are like bright light or bright colours. Sadness and lack of hope are like darkness or dark colours.
幸福与希望就像明亮的光线(bright light)或鲜亮的颜色(bright colours)。 悲伤与无望就像黑暗(darkness)或暗淡的颜色(dark colours)。
The future looks very bright/rosy.前途很光明。
She brightened up when she heard the news.听到这一消息她便高兴起来。
His face lit up when he saw them.看到他们,他面露喜色。
They had shining eyes and beaming/dazzling smiles.他们的眼睛炯炯有神, 脸上挂着灿烂的笑容。
The bride looked radiant.新娘光彩照人。
You have to look for the light at the end of the tunnel.你必须寻找成功的希望。
He was in a black mood.他情绪低落。
I was feeling blue.我觉得很沮丧。
There’ s no point in having these dark thoughts.如此悲观消沉毫无用处。
His face darkened.他的脸沉了下来。
They led a grey empty existence.他们过着灰暗、空虚的生活。
I’ m afraid the outlook is very gloomy/bleak/dismal.恐怕前景非常暗淡。
The news cast a shadow over the evening.这个消息给晚会笼罩上了一层阴影。




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