

单词 absorb
absorb ★★
VERB  T   
1 to take in a gas , liquid , or other substance 吸收(气体、液体或其他物质)

The timber expands as it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere. 木材吸收空气中的水分后会膨胀。

absorb sth into sth Caffeine is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. 咖啡因很快被吸收进血液中。

1a to take in heat , light , or some other form of energy , instead of reflecting it 吸收(热、光等能量)

The planes are fitted with a device that absorbs enemy radar signals. 飞机上安装了一个吸收敌方雷达信号的装置。

2 often passive to make a small group , organization etc become part of a larger one 并入;纳入

Most of the refugees were absorbed by the growing service sector. 大部分难民被不断发展的服务部门吸纳了。

absorb sth into sth Rebel militias were simply absorbed into the national army. 叛军径直被收编入了国民军。

2a to allow ideas, methods etc to become part of your own way of thinking or culture 同化;汲取

Over the centuries, they gradually absorbed Islamic ideas about design and architecture. 几个世纪以来,他们渐渐汲取了伊斯兰教在设计和建筑方面的理念。

3 to learn and understand new facts, so that they become part of your knowledge 掌握(新知识)

We had to absorb a lot of new information very quickly. 我们不得不迅速掌握大量新信息。

4 if something absorbs you , it is so interesting or entertaining that it takes all your attention 吸引…的注意力;使全神贯注

a game that had absorbed the children all afternoon 让孩子们整个下午都全神贯注的游戏

5 to reduce the harmful effects of a physical force 缓冲;缓解

Jump with your knees bent, so they absorb less impact. 双膝弯曲着跳,这样会缓解冲击力。

5a to deal with the harmful effects of a change , so that problems are avoided 承担,经受(有害影响)

Oil companies say they will absorb these price rises, and not pass them on to customers. 石油公司说他们会承担价格的上涨,不会把费用转移到顾客身上。

6 to use or need a lot of something , especially money 占用,需要(大量的某物,尤指金钱)

Agricultural subsidies absorb about half the EU’ s income. 农业补贴占去了欧盟收入的大约一半。





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