

单词 night
night 1 ★★★
1  C/U  the part of each 24-hour period when it is dark 夜;夜晚;夜间

It was a lovely starlit night. 那是个迷人的星光灿烂的夜晚。

all night long It rained all night long. 雨下了一整夜。

at night 11 o’ clock at night 晚上11点

by night Owls hunt by night. 猫头鹰在夜间猎食。

1a the time when most people are sleeping 深夜;夜里

I woke up in the middle of the night. 我半夜里醒了过来。

spend the night He spent the night in prison. 他在监狱里过了一夜。

1b if someone works nights, or is on nights, they go to work at night 夜班

Phil is working nights this week. 菲尔这星期上夜班。

2  U  the time between the end of the afternoon and the time when people go to bed 晚间;晚上

Most nights Jan helps the kids with their homework. 大多数晚上简都会指导孩子们做家庭作业。

last/yesterday night Did you watch the football on TV last night? 你昨晚看电视上的足球赛了吗?

last thing at night I usually drink tea last thing at night (=just before I go to bed) . 我睡前的最后一件事通常是喝茶。

the other night (=a few nights ago) I went round to see her the other night. 几天前的一个晚上

2a  C  an evening when a particular event takes place (某一活动发生的)晚上

midsummer night 仲夏夜

The next quiz night is on Thursday 19 May. 下一次问答竞赛之夜在5月19日星期四。

We’ re looking forward to a night at the pub. 我们想找个晚上去泡吧。

2b  C  a particular evening on which a play or concert is performed (戏剧或音乐会的)夜场

the opening night of Julius Caesar 《尤利乌斯·恺撒》的首夜演出

the last night of the proms 班级舞会的最后一个夜场

3 spoken   used for saying goodbye or good night when you leave someone at night 晚安

Night, then! See you tomorrow! 那好,晚安!明天见!

4  singular  literary   a period of great sadness , failure etc 悲伤时期;挫败时期;黑暗时期

the dark night of the soul 心灵的伤痛期

-   at this time of night spoken
used for showing your surprise that something is happening very late

What are you doing here at this time of night? 都夜里这个时候了,你在这儿干什么?

-   bad night BRITISH informal
a night during which you do not get much rest

Sorry I’ m a bit irritable – I had a bad night. 抱歉,我有点儿烦躁,夜里没休息好。

-   call it a night
to stop doing a particular job or activity in the evening because you are tired or have been doing it for a long time

It’ s getting late, I’ m going to call it a night. 时间不早了,我打算今晚到此结束。

-   the dead of night mainly literary
the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping
-   early/late night
an occasion when you go to bed earlier/later than usual

We’ ll both be better for an early night. 我们俩最好都早点睡。

These late nights are no good for my health. 这些天睡得晚对我的健康没有好处。

-   make a night of it informal
to stay out late into the night having fun
-   night after night
every night for a long period of time
-   night and day
all the time

My mother needs constant attention, night and day. 我母亲需要日夜不停的照料。

-   night falls literary
when night falls, it becomes dark
-   night night spoken
used for saying goodnight, especially to a child before they go to bed
-   night out
an evening when you go out to a cinema , theatre , party etc

It’ s ages since we had a night out. 我们已经很久没有晚上出去玩了。

  Words frequently used with night
  night 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   cold, cool, dark, frosty, moonlit, starlit, starry, stormy,




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