

单词 guard
guard 2 ★★
VERB  T   
1 to watch a place carefully to protect someone from attack , to prevent something from being stolen , or to prevent someone from escaping 守卫;看守

There were two soldiers guarding the main gate. 有两个士兵把守着大门。

The palace entrance is guarded round the clock. 宫殿入口全天有人看守。

heavily guarded the heavily guarded office of the Prime Minister 戒备森严的首相办公室

2 to protect someone or something from something dangerous or unpleasant 保卫;保护

The male fish guards the eggs. 雄鱼保护鱼卵。

guard sth/sb from sth the trees that guarded the farm from the wind 保护农场的防风林

3 to try very hard to keep something that is important to you 捍卫

The company is fiercely guarding its independence. 公司竭尽全力捍卫自身的独立。

4 if you guard information , you do not tell it to anyone 保密

They have been guarding the details of their research. 他们一直对他们研究的细节保密。

closely/jealously guard sth The recipe is a closely guarded secret. 该配方是严格保密的。

5 in a sport such as basketball , to try to prevent your opponent from scoring or from playing effectively (篮球等运动中的)防守
-   guard your tongue/temper old-fashioned
to speak or behave carefully, without using bad language or violence
  Words frequently used with guard
  guard 的常见搭配词
  adverbs   carefully, closely, fiercely, jealously,
ˈguard aˌgainst
1 to help to prevent something from happening 防止…发生

Fibre in the diet is thought to guard against heart disease. 食物中的纤维被认为可以预防心脏病。

2 to try to prevent something from happening 防范;警惕

We need to guard against the possibility of people losing interest. 我们得防范人们失去兴趣的可能性。





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