

单词 gauge
gauge 1
NOUN  C   
1 a piece of equipment that measures the amount of something 测量仪器;量规;计;表

the fuel/gas/pressure gauge 燃料/煤气/压力表

a rain/snow/hail gauge 雨量/雪量/雹量计

2 a way of saying how thick something is , especially something made of metal , wire , or plastic 厚度;直径

a small-gauge needle 一根很细的针

heavy-gauge plastic 厚塑料

2a the distance between the two metal rails (= tracks) of a railway , or between the wheels of the train (铁轨的)轨距

a narrow-gauge railway 窄轨距铁道

2b the width of the barrel of a gun (= the part you fire the bullet through) (枪管的)口径

a 12-gauge shotgun 12口径的猎枪

3 usually singular a fact or event that can be used for judging someone or something 衡量尺度;判断标准

New orders are a gauge of how well manufacturers are doing. 新订单是衡量厂商经营状况的一个尺度。





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