

单词 gather
gather 1 ★★★
1  I/T  if people gather or someone gathers them , they come together in one place to see or do something (使)聚集;(使)集合

A crowd gathered outside the hotel. 一群人聚集在酒店门外。

Football fans gathered around the TV in the corner of the bar. 足球迷们聚在酒吧角落处的电视前。

She gathered her children and ran for shelter. 她把孩子们拉到一块儿,向避难所跑去。

There were 60,000 fans gathered in the stadium. 有6万球迷聚集在体育场。

2  T  to look for and find information or documents in different places 收集(信息或文件)

Our report is based on information gathered from all parts of the country. 我们的报告是以收集来自全国各地的信息为基础的。

The police have been gathering evidence against him. 警方一直在搜集对他不利的证据。

I need to gather together our tax documents. 我需要把我们所有的税务文件收集在一起。

2a to search for and find similar things that you need or want 采集

They live by gathering shellfish and snails. 他们靠采集贝类和蜗牛为生。

Bees were gathering pollen from the wild flowers. 蜜蜂正在采集野花的花粉。

3  T  if something gathers force , speed , or strength , its force , speed , or strength increases (力量或速度)增加

The train pulled away slowly, then gathered speed. 火车缓缓驶离,然后逐渐加速。

3a to become gradually stronger or more successful 逐渐增强/变成功

Opposition to the new law is gathering momentum. 对新法案的反对越来越强烈。

4  T  to bring things closer together , for example to protect something or make it tidy 聚拢;收拢

Gathering her robe around her, Maria ran upstairs. 玛丽亚将身上的睡袍拉紧,向楼上跑去。

She gathered her hair into a knot at the back of her head. 她把头发拢起来在脑后盘了个发髻。

5  T  mainly spoken   to believe that something is true , although no one has directly told you about it 猜测;推测

You’ re new here, I gather. 我猜你就在这里。

From what I can gather she’ s madly in love with him. 据我推断,她已经疯狂地爱上了他。

+(that) I gather that the storm caused a power failure. 我猜想是暴风雨引起了停电。

6  I  if clouds gather , they start to appear and cover part of the sky (云)积聚
7  T  usually passive to make a lot of small folds in cloth 给(衣服)打褶

The dress is gathered at the waist with elastic. 这条裙子腰部用松紧带打了褶子。

-   gather dust
to not be used or touched by anyone for a long time

Too often, expensive toys just gather dust. 经常是价格贵的玩具遭冷落。

-   gather sb into your arms mainly literary
to put your arms around someone , especially to protect them
-   gather your strength/courage/energy/wits
to prepare yourself for a difficult situation or action
-   gather yourself (together) mainly literary
to calm yourself , usually so you can do something you must do
ˌgather ˈin
to collect crops from the field when they are ready 收割(庄稼)
ˌgather ˈup
to pick up things from several different places and put them together 收集;把…收起来

Janet quickly gathered up her books and left the classroom. 珍妮特赶紧把书收起来,离开了教室。





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