

单词 freeze
freeze 1 ★★
1  I/T  if water freezes or something freezes it , it gets very cold and changes into ice (使)结冰

The lake freezes in winter. 冬天湖水会结冰。

frozen solid (=completely hard) The water in the cat’ s bowl was frozen solid. 冻硬的

1a if a liquid freezes or something freezes it , it becomes solid because it has reached a low temperature (使)(液体)凝固

Liquid nitrogen freezes at minus 209 degrees Celsius. 液态氮在零下209摄氏度凝固。

1b if a substance freezes or something freezes it , it becomes very cold and hard (使)变得极冷;(使)冻硬

The soil was frozen. 泥土被冻硬了。

1c if a pipe freezes or the weather freezes it , the water inside it becomes ice (使)(管道)被冰堵塞,结冰
1d if something such as a lock or a machine freezes or something freezes it , it gets stuck and cannot move (使)(锁或机器等)冻结,凝住

The blanket had frozen to the windscreen. 毯子冻在挡风玻璃上了。

2  T  to preserve food or drink by making it extremely cold in a freezer (用冰箱)冷冻(食品)

I’ ll freeze the other pack of sausages. 我要把另一包香肠冷冻起来。

2a  I  if food freezes, it is preserved in this way (食品)冷冻

Strawberries don’ t freeze very well. 草莓不太适于冷冻。

2b  T  if you freeze a human body or a part of the body , you preserve it by making it extremely cold 冷冻(人的尸体或器官)

The embryos are frozen at minus 20 degrees and stored. 胚胎用零下20度的温度冷冻储存。

3  I  to feel extremely cold 感到极冷;寒冷彻骨

You’ ll freeze if you go out in that thin coat. 你穿那么薄的大衣出去会冻坏的。

freeze to death (=die from being very cold) The lambs looked as if they had frozen to death in the snow. 冻死

4  I  if it freezes, the temperature of the air goes down to 0 degrees Celsius or below (气温)降到零摄氏度以下
5  I  to stop moving and keep completely still 呆住;发愣;一动不动

Freeze! Don’ t move a muscle! 不准动!呆在那里别动!

Kate froze in horror when she saw all the blood. 凯特看到那滩血时吓呆了。

frozen to the spot (=unable to move because you are frightened or shocked) I stood frozen to the spot, unable to believe my eyes. (恐惧或震惊得)呆住的,一动不动的

5a  I  to stop moving or making progress 停顿;凝固

Their wine glasses frozen in mid-air, they all stared at me. 他们把酒杯停在半空中,目不转睛地看着我。

It seemed as though time had frozen. 时间仿佛凝固了。

5b  I/T  if a computer screen freezes or something freezes it , the images on it become completely still and you cannot move them because there is something wrong with the computer (使)(电脑画面)定格;(使)死机
5c  T  to stop a video or film from moving forward , especially so you can look closely at one particular picture 使(录像或电影画面)定格
6  T  to say officially that the rate or level of something must stay the same and not increase 冻结(工资、物价等);宣布…维持不动(或不准增加)

Wages were frozen until the end of December. 工资被冻结到12月底。

We are freezing prices at 2001 levels. 我们将价格维持在2001年的水平不变。

7  T  to legally stop a supply of money from being available to someone 冻结(资金)

The courts have frozen her bank account. 法庭冻结了她的银行账户。

freeze sb’ s assets (=stop someone selling their property to make money) The company’ s assets could be frozen by the banks. 冻结某人的资产

ˌfreeze ˈout
to prevent someone from taking part in something 不让(某人)参加;逐出

He was frozen out of official life. 他被逐出了官场。

ˌfreeze ˈover
to become covered with a layer of ice 被冰覆盖;冰封
ˌfreeze ˈup
1 if something freezes up it becomes so cold that it does not work or cannot move 被冻结;被封冻

All the locks had frozen up. 锁全都被冻住了。

2 to be unable to think of anything to say , especially because you are nervous (尤指因紧张而)呆住,发愣




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