

单词 exchange
exchange 1 ★★★
1  C  a situation in which one person gives another person something , and receives something else of a similar type or value in return 交换;互换

+of The two sides agreed an exchange of prisoners of war. 双方同意交换战俘。

1a a situation in which people give each other information or discuss their ideas and opinions (信息、思想的)交流

+of We had a frank exchange of views. 我们坦率地交换了看法。

There was an angry exchange of letters between the two firms. 两家公司在信中争来吵去。

1b a situation in which someone shoots at another person and the other person shoots back 交火

an exchange of fire/gunfire/shots There was an exchange of fire and three soldiers fell dead. 双方发生交火,3名士兵被打死。

2  C  formal   an angry conversation 争吵

heated exchange Paul and Mark were having a heated exchange in the office. 保罗和马克正在办公室激烈争吵。

3  U  the act of changing the money of one country to the money of another country (货币的)兑换

a foreign exchange dealer 外汇交易员

rate of exchange/exchange rate What is the rate of exchange for US dollars? 美元的汇率是多少?

4  C  an arrangement in which people or groups from different countries visit each other or do each other’ s jobs, for example in order to study another country’ s language or improve relationships (以学习语言或增进了解与友谊等为目的的)互访,交流;(交流人员的)互派

I met Laurence on a French exchange. 我是在参加一次与法国的交流活动时认识劳伦斯的。

5  C  a central place where goods of a particular type are bought and sold 交易所

the former corn exchange 以前的谷物交易所

5a a central place where telephone calls are received and connected to other lines 电话局;电话交换台
-   in exchange
if you give someone something in exchange for something else , you give them something and they give you something else of a similar type or value

+for Economic sanctions would be lifted in exchange for renewed cooperation. 经济制裁会被解除,以换取重新合作。





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