

单词 even
even 1 ★★★
  Even is used for emphasis mainly before a word, a phrase, or a clause beginning with ‘as’ , ‘if’ , or ‘though’ . When emphasizing verbs, even comes before an ordinary verb单词even 主要用在单词、短语或as,if 及though 引导的从句之前表示强调: They even served champagne at breakfast. 他们甚至在早餐时也供应香槟。 But even comes after an auxiliary verb, a modal verb, or the verb ‘to be’ 但even 用在助动词、情态动词或be 动词的后面: She doesn’ t even know his name. 她甚至连他的名字都不知道。 Some computers can even talk to you. 有些电脑甚至可以和你说话。
  Sometimes even is used after a word for emphasis有时even用在词后表示强调: São Paulo is a huge city, larger even than New York. 圣保罗是座特大城市,甚至比纽约市还大。 The task might be difficult, impossible even. 这项任务也许很困难,甚至不可能完成。
1 used for showing that you are saying something that is surprising 甚至;连;即使

It always feels cold in this room, even in summer. 这间屋子总是感觉冷冷的,甚至在夏天也是如此。

Even the dog refused to eat it. 这东西连狗都不吃。

Lucy’ s face brightened a little – she even managed to smile. 露西的脸上泛出一丝喜色,她甚至还笑了笑。

not even He never stopped working, not even at Christmas. 他从未停止工作,连圣诞节都没有。

They didn’ t even offer me a cup of tea. 他们连一杯茶都没有让我喝。

even now (=used for saying it is surprising that something still continues) Even now, after all these years, he cannot mention her name without crying. 甚至是现在

even then (=used for saying that something is surprising after what has happened) They’ re going to spend £5 billion on our railway network, and even then it won’ t be as good as the French system. 即使到那时

2 used for emphasizing that although something is big , good , bad etc, something else is bigger, better , worse etc 更加;愈加

She admits things are bad, but argues they were even worse under the previous government. 她承认情况很糟,但又争辩说在前政府的领导下情况更糟糕。

If anything, local people are treated even more harshly than foreigners. 如果说有什么区别的话,那就是当地人受到的对待比外国人还要严苛。

3 used for adding a more extreme word or phrase to emphasize what you have just said (用于补充一个更为极端的词或短语,旨在加强语气)甚至可以说

Her latest novel was very good, even brilliant. 她最新的小说很不错,甚至可以说是杰作。

The quarrel might have ended in violence – murder, even. 争吵也许已经以暴力的方式结束了,甚至可以说是以凶杀的方式。

-   even as
used for emphasizing that something is happening at exactly the same time as someone is doing or saying something else

Even as we speak, a ceasefire agreement is being signed in Geneva. 就在我们谈话的时候,一项停火协议在日内瓦签署了。

-   even if
used for emphasizing that although something may happen or may be true , another situation remains the same

He’ s determined to prove his innocence, even if he has to go to the highest court in the land. 即使要上国家的最高法院,他也决意要证明自己的清白。

-   even so
used for introducing a statement that seems surprising after what you said before

Crashes are rare, but even so, there should be stricter safety regulations. 撞毁事故是罕见的,尽管如此,仍需要有更为严格的安全条例。

-   even though
used for introducing a fact that makes the main statement in your sentence very surprising

Most of us ignore this good advice, even though we know it to be true. 虽然知道那是对的,我们中的大多数人还是忽视了那条忠告。

Even though I have a master’ s degree in business administration, I can’ t fill out my tax form. 尽管有工商管理硕士学位,我还是不会填纳税表格。





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