

单词 rise
rise 1 ★★★
VERB  I   
1 rise to move upwards or to a higher position 升起;上升

The aircraft rose slowly into the air. 飞机缓慢地升到空中。

+from A column of thick black smoke could be seen rising from the town. 人们可以看到一股浓浓的黑烟从城中升起。

1a if the sun , moon , or a star rises, it seems to move higher in the sky (太阳、月亮或星星)升起

As the sun rose in the sky the temperature climbed. 随着太阳的升起,温度也逐渐升高。

1b if land rises, it slopes upwards and becomes higher (地势)变陡,变高

They were heading westwards to where the land rose more steeply. 他们朝西边走着,地势越来越陡。

1c if your voice rises, it gets higher , often because of a strong feeling (嗓音)变高,提高
1d if the hairs on a part of your body rise , they start to move upwards because you are very frightened (毛发因恐惧而)直立,竖起

Duncan felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck. 邓肯觉得他脖子后面的汗毛都直立起来了。

1e to come up through the surface of the earth or water 隆起;发源

The Danube rises in the Black Forest. 多瑙河发源于黑林山。

2 rise formal   to stand from a sitting , kneeling, or lying position 站起;起身

He rose up and went to the window. 他站起来,走到窗边。

rise from a table/desk (=from a seat at it) Edward finished his meal quickly and rose from the table. 起身离开饭桌/书桌

rise to your feet Pushing back her chair she rose to her feet. 她把椅子向后推了一推,站了起来。

2a to get out of bed in the morning 起床

The next morning Benjamin rose early. 第二天早晨本杰明起得很早。

rise and shine (=get out of bed and start the day) Rise and shine, folks! It’ s time to get to work. 快起床

2b if something such as a law court or committee rises, it stops working at the end of the day or for a period of time (法庭等)休庭;(委员会等)休会,闭会
2c used for telling people in a law court to stand up when the judge enters or leaves 全体起立(用于法官进入或离开法庭时)
3 to increase in size , amount , quality , or strength 增加;增长

Salaries will continue to rise in line with inflation. 工资将会随着通货膨胀而持续增加。

Rising unemployment is our biggest problem. 持续上升的失业率是我们最大的问题。

Temperatures will rise steadily towards the end of the week. 周末温度将会稳步上升。

rise in price/value Even motor fuel rose in price as the war continued. 随着战争的继续,汽油价格也随之上涨。

rise and fall Interest rates rise and fall according to the health of the economy. 利率随着经济状况的好坏上下起伏。

rising tide of sth (=increasing amount of something) The police do not have enough officers to fight the rising tide of street crime. 某事物的增加

3a if a wind rises, it starts to become stronger (风力)增强
3b if a sea , lake , or other area of water rises, or if the tide rises, the amount of water in it increases and its level goes up (海水、湖水或潮水等)上涨

The river rose and burst its banks. 河水上涨使河堤决了口。

How many feet does the tide rise at this dock? 这个码头的潮水涨了多少英尺?

3c if a feeling or emotion rises, it becomes stronger (感情)变得强烈

Stephen felt tenderness rising up in him. 斯蒂芬觉得自己心中涌起一股柔情。

sb’ s spirits rise (=they start to feel happier) Her spirits rose considerably at the thought of seeing him again. 某人的心情好起来

tensions rise Tensions are rising again on the world’ s most heavily armed border. 在世界上陈兵最重的边界上,形势又日趋紧张起来。

3d if something such as bread or a cake rises, it increases in size and height when it is cooked or when yeast is added (面包、蛋糕等)发酵膨胀起来
3e if a sound rises, you can start to hear it or it gets louder (声音)提高

No sound of any kind rose from the hot deserted streets. 在炎热无人的街道上听不到任何声音。

4 to achieve success , power , or a higher status 取得成功;(权力或地位)升高,提高

+from Martha had risen from humble origins to immense wealth. 玛莎从出身卑微一跃成为巨富。

+to During the war years he had risen to the rank of major. 在战争时期他晋升到少校军衔。

rise to prominence/fame/power He rose to national prominence as a leader of the miners’ union. 他作为矿工工会的领导人脱颖而出,在全国名声大噪。

rise to the top (=achieve the highest position) She was utterly determined to rise to the top in her chosen profession. 达到顶层

4a to start in a junior rank or position in an organization and gradually reach a high rank or position 起于行伍之间;从无名小卒晋升到高级职位

He rose through the ranks to command the entire navy. 他从一个无名小卒晋升到整个海军的统帅。

5 rise if a building or natural feature rises or rises up somewhere , it is tall or high and can be seen clearly (建筑物或自然景观)耸立,矗立

+above Grey mountains rose above the lakes. 灰色的群山高高地耸立在湖边。

The dark tower of the church rose above the bare trees. 教堂的黑塔高高耸立在光秃秃的树木之上。

6 rise to start to protest and fight against a government or leader 反抗;反叛;起义;造反

+against Eventually the people rose against the oppressive regime. 最终人民起来反抗压迫他们的政权。

7 if your colour rises, your face becomes red because you are embarrassed or ashamed (脸色因窘迫或羞愧而)变红
-   rise from the ashes
to start to exist again

He hopes to see a new reformed party rise from the ashes of the old one. 他希望看到旧政党能够洗心革面,成为一个全新的政党。

-   rise from the dead/grave
to become alive again after being dead

Christians believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. 基督徒们相信耶稣基督死而复生。

-   rise to the bait
to react to something in the way that someone wants you to , especially by becoming angry

I was too tired to rise to the bait so I said nothing. 我太累了不想上当发火,所以我一言不发。

-   rise to the challenge/occasion
to deal successfully with a problem or situation that is especially difficult

It’ s not an easy task, but I’ m sure John will rise to the challenge. 这不是件容易的事,但我确信约翰能应付这个挑战。

  Words frequently used with rise
  rise 的常见搭配词
  adverbs   dramatically, markedly, rapidly, sharply, significantly, steeply, substantially, swiftly,
ˌrise aˈbove
1 to deal well with a difficult or unpleasant situation 克服;摆脱

Cara did her best to rise above the shocking news. 卡拉尽力从这令人震惊的消息中摆脱出来。

1a to be morally good enough not to do something bad , especially something that most other people do (在道德上)超越(尤指其他大多数人都做的事情)

He was able to rise above the prejudices of his generation. 他能够超越同时代的世俗偏见。

2 to be better than other things of the same type 优于,胜过(同类型的事物)

This book clearly rises above the thousands of its competitors. 这本书明显地优于其成千上万的竞争者。

ˌrise ˈup
1 rise1 1

The crows rose up in alarm at the sound of the shotgun. 乌鸦听到枪声惊慌地飞了起来。

2 rise1 2

The choir rose up together and began to sing. 合唱团起立,开始唱歌。

3 rise1 5

lush green hillsides rising up ahead of us 耸立在我们面前的苍翠欲滴的山坡

4 rise1 6

The peasants rose up in revolt against the landowner. 农民起来反抗地主。





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