noun /straɪd/
Idioms - one long step; the distance covered by a step大步;一步(的距离) synonym pace1
- He crossed the room in two strides.他两大步跨到屋子另一头。
- I was gaining on the other runners with every stride.我正一步步赶上其他运动员。
Extra Examples- In one short stride he reached the window.他跨一小步就到了窗前。
- First you'll need to measure the length of your stride.首先,您需要测量步幅的长度。
- She lengthened her stride to try and keep up with him.她加大步伐想要赶上他。
- She moved towards him in quick strides.她大步朝他走来。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjectiveverb + stridepreposition - your way of walking or running步态;步伐
- his familiar purposeful stride他那熟悉而坚定的步伐
- She did not slow her stride until she was face to face with us.她没有放慢脚步,径直走到我们面前。
Extra Examples- He matched his stride to her slower pace.他放慢自己的步子,与她保持一致。
- She resumed her confident stride.她又恢复了自信的步伐。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- loping
- confident
- determined
- …
verb + stridephrases- find your stride
- get into your stride
- hit your stride
- …
- an improvement in the way something is developing进展;进步;发展
- We're making great strides in the search for a cure.在探索治疗办法方面,我们正不断取得重大进展。
Extra Examples- She's made enormous strides in English this term.这学期她的英语取得了巨大进步。
- We have made great strides in areas like employment and housing.我们在就业和住房等方面取得了巨大的进展。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjectiveverb + stridepreposition strides
[plural] (Australian English, informal) trousers裤子 Word OriginOld English stride (noun) ‘single long step’, strīdan (verb) ‘stand or walk with the legs wide apart’, probably from a Germanic base meaning ‘strive, quarrel’; related to Dutch strijden ‘fight’ and German streiten ‘quarrel’.
Idioms get into your stride (British English) (North American English hit (your) stride)
- to begin to do something with confidence and at a good speed after a slow uncertain start进入状态;开始顺利地做某事
- After a nervous start, he finally got into his stride in the second set.经过紧张的开局后,他终于在第二盘中步入正轨。
Extra Examples- The team took time to get into their stride.该队逐渐进入了状态。
- The show finally hit its stride in the second season.这个节目在第二季终于进入了状态。
put somebody off their stride
- to make somebody take their attention off what they are doing and stop doing it so well使分心;拖某人后腿
- The shouting from the back of the hall completely put me off my stride.大厅后面传来的叫喊声完全让我不敢迈步。
(match somebody) stride for stride
- to keep doing something as well as somebody else, even though they keep making it harder for you尽量不落后(于某人)
- We’ve managed to match our closest competitors stride for stride as regards prices.在价格方面,我们已设法尽量不输给几个势均力敌的竞争对手。
take something in your stride (British English) (North American English take something in stride)
- to accept and deal with something difficult without letting it worry you too much从容处理;泰然处之
- It’s going to be tough—but I’m sure you’ll take it all in your stride.这会很艰难,但我相信你会从容应对这一切。
- (especially North American English) without stopping what you are doing步调不变;阵脚不乱
- Marta scored from 20 metres without breaking stride.玛尔塔在20米处得分,没有突破。