Lord Leverhulme
/ˌlɔːd ˈliːvəhjuːm/
/ˌlɔːrd ˈliːvərhjuːm/
- born William Hesketh Lever (1851-1925) an English businessman. He became rich by making soap, and often gave his money to benefit others. One of his best-known projects was the building of a 'model industrial village', Port Sunlight, near Liverpool. He was made a viscount in 1922. His company later became Unilever. “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted and the trouble is I don't know which half.”
威廉·赫斯基思·利弗(William Hesketh Lever,1851-1925 年)出生于英国商人。他因制肥皂而致富,并经常将自己的钱财布施给他人。他最著名的项目之一是在利物浦附近建造“模范工业村”——阳光港。 1922 年,他被封为子爵。他的公司后来更名为联合利华。 “我花在广告上的钱有一半被浪费了,问题是我不知道是哪一半。”Leverhulme 勋爵