baggage drop
mainlyUSus/ˈbæɡ.ɪdʒ ˌdrɑːp/uk/ˈbæɡ.ɪdʒ ˌdrɒp/(UKusuallybag drop)aplace, usually at anairport, where you canleaveyoursuitcasesandbagsto be put on aplaneif you have alreadycheckedinfor theflight:
Just go to thebaggagedropand thenstraightthrough todepartures.
- If youcheckinbeforehandon theinternet, you can takeyourbaggageto the Baggage Dropdesk.
- The newterminalwill haveampleprovisionforself-serviceandonlinecheck-inandbaggagedrop.
- Curbsidecheck-inand off-airportbaggagedropswerediscontinued, and no one wasallowedtopassthroughsecuritycheckpointsunlessthey hadticketsorsecuritybadges.
Air travel: airports & landing strips
- air bridge
- airfield
- airport
- airstrip
- apron
- bag drop
- carousel
- check in
- check-in desk
- control tower
- departure lounge
- gate
- helipad
- heliport
- landing strip
- pad
- reclaim
- taxiway
- terminal
- windsock
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