(alsomisjudgement)uk/ˌmɪsˈdʒʌdʒ.mənt/us/ˌmɪsˈdʒʌdʒ.mənt/anunfairorwrongopinionabout someone or something:
Theirdecisiontosellthehousewas adisastrousmisjudgment.
He isaccusedof makingseriousmisjudgments andarrivingatkeydecisionswithoutadequateconsultation.
awrongguessabout anamountordistance:
I made aseriousmisjudgment of theagesof thechildren. I did notrealisehowyoungsome of them were.
Wewoundroundnarrowmountainroads,fearingaminormisjudgment wouldsenduscrashingdown asheerdrop.
- They might have donewrongor madecolossalmisjudgments.
- They made aseriousmisjudgment byassumingthat thepoundwouldfallsteadilyovertime.
- Oneslightmisjudgment would havemeantdeath.
Judgments and analyses
- analysis
- anatomy
- appraisal
- appraisee
- assessment
- construction
- counter-interpretation
- impact statement
- interpretation
- job evaluation
- judgment
- misanalysis
- notice
- rap
- re-evaluation
- re-review
- restudy
- self-appraisal
- self-assessment
- study
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Guessing, supposing and suspecting