noun[Cusually singular]
mathematicsspecialized(alsoZ-axis)uk/ˈzedˌæk.sɪs/us/ˈziːˌæk.sɪs/pluralz-axesin athree-dimensionalspace(= one that hasheight,length, andwidth), thelinealong which thevaluesof z areshownon agraph,diagram, etc.,perpendicularto the x- andy-axesand usuallystartingfrom apointat which both x and y have thevalue0:
Thesevaluesaremarkedalongthe z-axis.
In a 3Denvironment,theZ-line or Z-axis isdepth.
Thelocationof eachdatavaluein thedatacubeismarkedon the x-, y-, and z-axes of thecube.
- Axes need to be set up in threedirections, and theusualconventionis to take x- andy-axesin ahorizontalplane, and toadda z-axispointingvertically.
- In thissystemthere is rotationalsymmetryaround the z-axis.
- For the Y and Z-axes, thedataisstoredin differentfilesasshownbelow.
Tables, graphs & diagrams
- abscissa
- asymptote
- asymptotic
- bar chart
- bar graph
- block graph
- coordinate
- diagram
- flowchart
- graph
- graph paper
- histogram
- Mind Map
- normal distribution
- organigram
- pictogram
- replot
- scatter diagram
- tabular
- y-axis