uk/ˈræŋ.ɡəl/us/ˈræŋ.ɡəl/anargument,especiallyone thatcontinuesfor alongtime:
Thejointventureendedin alegalwrangle between the twocompanies.这家合资企业最终陷入了两家公司间旷日持久的官司中。
- The wrangle wasfinallyresolvedamicably.
- Amotherfrom Cleveland is at thecentreof acourtwrangle over herchild.
- Thearmedforceshave beenengagedin abitterwrangle with theauthoritiesoverpay.
Arguments & disagreements
- argument
- be (on) non-speakersidiom
- belligerence
- bickering
- blow(someone/something)up
- bust up
- clash
- conflict
- contentiousness
- contretemps
- ding-dong
- disagreement
- dispute
- dust-up
- hostility
- kerfuffle
- misunderstanding
- personality clash
- spat
- squabble
uk/ˈræŋ.ɡəl/us/ˈræŋ.ɡəl/toarguewith someone about something,especiallyfor alongtime:
They had been wranglingwiththeauthoritiesabout/overparkingspaces.
The twocompaniesare still wrangling over thedetailsoftheirproposedcollaboration.
- Afterweeksof wrangling in Florida, George Bushemergedas the 43rdPresidentof theUnitedStates.
- Government,environmentalists, andutilitieswrangle over how tocutpollutionfrom the nation'spowerplants.
- They wrangled about whethercompaniesshould berequiredtotreatstockoptionsas abusinesscost.
Arguing & disagreeing
- agent provocateur
- alienate
- alienated
- alienation
- argumentatively
- as a matter of factphrase
- bandy
- bet
- bone
- conflict
- dicker
- differ
- dissent
- hammer
- make the fur flyidiom
- setsomeoneagainstsomeone
- shadowbox
- shadowboxing
- tangle
- tangle withsomeone