modal verb
ukstrong/wʊd/weak/wəd/weak/əd/usstrong/wʊd/weak/wəd/weak/əd/wouldmodal verb(FUTURE)
used to refer tofuturetimefrom thepointofviewof the past:
(从过去的角度指将来发生的事)将,将要He said he wouldseehisbrothertomorrow.他说明天要去见他的兄弟。
Theyknewthere would betroubleunlessthereportwasfinishedby the nextday.他们知道除非第二天能把报告完成,否则就有麻烦了。
Werealizedit wouldn't beeasytofindanothersecretary.我们意识到再找一位秘书不会很容易。
would have
used to refer back to atimein the past from apointofviewin thefuture:
(从将来的角度指过去应该发生的事)就会,应该Wethoughtthey would have gothomeby five o'clock, but there was noreplywhen wephoned.我们以为他们会在5点前到家,可是打电话时却没有人接。
- Such apolicywould not beconstitutional.
- Whattimewould it beconvenientfor me to come round?
- Changing thecourseof theriverwouldcauseseriousenvironmentaldamageto thewholevalley.
- I wascurioustoknowwhat wouldhappennext.
- The chief'ssonwouldinheritall hisdominions.
wouldmodal verb(INTENTION)
used to refer to anintentionfrom thepointofviewof the past:
(从过去的角度指某一意图)将,会,要He said he would alwaysloveher .他说他会永远爱她。
Theypromisedthat they wouldhelp.他们许诺会帮忙。
There was nobodyleftwho would(= waswillingto)do it.剩下的人里没人愿意做这件事。
Iaskedhim tomovehiscarbut he said he wouldn't(= herefused).我要他挪一下车,可是他拒绝了。
- Thepresidentcontinuedby saying that hiscountrywas afreecountryand would alwaysremainso.
- I would like toexpressmythanksforyourkindness.
- Shepromisedfaithfullythat she would neverleavehim.
- Mydadsaid he wouldhelpwith thecostsofbuyingahouse.
- We would like toannouncetheappointmentof Julia Lewis asheadofsales.
wouldmodal verb(POSSIBILITY)
used to refer to asituationthat you canimaginehappening:
(指想象会发生的情形)会,将I wouldhatetomissthe show.错过这次演出我会很遗憾的。
I'd go myself but I'm toobusy.我要不是太忙就会亲自去。
It wouldhavebeen veryboringtositthrough thewholespeech.若当时听完整场演讲的话会是十分枯燥的。
used withifinconditionalsentences(=sentencesthat refer to whathappensif somethingelsehappens):
(与 if 引导的条件句连用)What would you do if youlostyourjob?要是失去了工作你会怎么办?
If I'd hadtime, I wouldhavegone toseeGraham.如果那时我有时间的话,我本来会去看望格雷厄姆的。
- If sheeverlefthim he would beheartbroken.
- Mymotherwouldworryherself todeathif sheknewwhat I was doing.
- Anuclearholocaustwouldleavefewsurvivors.
- If you wereofferedanoverseasposting, would you take it?
- If heforgottopayhisrent, hislandladywouldsendhim areminder.
- (as) clear as dayidiom
- (as) sure as eggs is eggsidiom
- and that's flat!idiom
- assured
- assuredly
- decidedly
- deffo
- definite
- definitely
- definitive
- mistake
- nailsomethingon
- nailed on
- natch
- not miss a beatidiom
- solidity
- squarely
- unreservedly
- watertight
- you can bet your lifeidiom
wouldmodal verb(REQUEST)
used inpoliterequestsandoffers:
(用于提要求时代替 will,语气更加客气)Would youmindsharingaroom?你介不介意和别人共用一个房间?
Would you like me to come with you?要不要我和你一起去?
Would you like somecake?你想吃点蛋糕吗?
- Would you like toborrowthisbook?
- May Iconductyou toyourtable,sir, or would youpreferto have adrinkat thebarfirst?
- Would you like anaisleseator would youpreferto be by thewindow?
- Is that enoughpotato, or would you like some more?
- Someone's at thedoor- would youansweritplease?
Polite expressions
- actually
- allow
- be so good as tophrase
- by all meansidiom
- chance
- cordially
- could
- magic word
- may I askidiom
- might
- might I ask/inquire/knowidiom
- no problemidiom
- obliged
- pardon
- pardon (me)idiom
- problem
- say
- welcome
- wonder
- you're welcomeidiom
wouldmodal verb(WILLINGNESS)
past simple ofwill: used totalkabout what someone waswillingto do or what something wasableto do:
(will 的过去式,用于谈论某人愿意做某事或某事的可行性)Thecarwouldn'tstartthismorning.今天早晨车发动不起来。
- This newcomputersystemwouldsaveus a lot oftimewhen doing theaccounts.
- Such apolicywouldenhancethe company'sprofileabroad.
- Thickcarpetwouldreducetheechoin thishallway.
- She wouldletyou use hercomputerif youasked.
- I wouldn't getinvolvedif I were you.
Ready and willing
- agreeable
- amenable
- atsomeone'sbeck and callidiom
- atyourcommandidiom
- be chafing at the bitidiom
- beck
- command
- eager
- eagerly
- fain
- find it inyourheart to dosomethingidiom
- finger
- gamely
- keen
- poised
- prepared
- raring
- readily
- readiness
- shape
wouldmodal verb(FREQUENCY)
used totalkabout things in the past thathappenedoften or always:
(用于谈论过去经常或总是发生的事)常常,总是He would alwaysturnandwaveat the end of thestreet.他总会在街的尽头转过身来挥挥手。
used tosuggestthat whathappensisexpectedbecause it istypical,especiallyof a person'sbehaviour:
(用于指某人的典型行为)老是,总是"Madeleine called to say she's toobusyto come." "She would - she always has anexcuse."“玛德琳打电话来说她太忙了,来不了。”“她总是这样──永远有借口。”
- He would alwaysbeginhislectureswith ajoke.
- They would often go for adrinktogether onWednesdays.
- He would alwayssmokeacigarafterdinner.
- She would oftenforgetwhere she'd put herglasses.
- He would say that! He's always got areasonfor being late.
Frequency & regularity - general words
- (as) regular as clockworkidiom
- -ly
- clockwork
- endemically
- erratic
- erratically
- fitful
- frequency
- irregular
- irregularity
- irregularly
- like clockworkidiom
- many
- on and offidiom
- on-again, off-again
- on-off
- periodic
- periodically
- religiously
- sporadically
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Typifying, illustrating and exemplifying
wouldmodal verb(OPINION)
used toexpressanopinionin apoliteway without beingforceful:
(用于礼貌地表明观点)I wouldthinkwe need tospeakto theheadteacherabout this first.我想,这件事我们需要先去问问校长的意见。
It's not what we wouldhaveexpectedfrom aprofessionalservice.这可不是我们期望从一所专业服务机构得到的服务。
- I wouldclassher among/with thetopten Americannovelists.
- I wouldsuggestthat you were notadequatelypreparedfor theinterview.
- We woulddescribethestandardof thefoodaspoor.
- I'd havehopedfor abetterchoiceofwineto go with themeal.
- She'ddescribeherreactionto thefilmas one ofdisappointment.
Expressing and asking opinions
- amirite
- apothegm
- come out
- couch
- day
- editorialize
- express
- far
- propound
- put
- run
- runsomethingbysomeone
- screed
- should've
- soapbox
- sound off
- talk
- vociferous
- vociferously
- wouldn't
wouldmodal verb(ADVISE)
used after "I" when givingadvice:
(表示劝告)I wouldn't(= Iadviseyou not to)worryabout it, if I were you.如果我是你,我就不会为它担心。
- If you'reunsureofyourlegalrights, I wouldcheckwith alawyer.
- I wouldn't set off at five o'clock. You'll getcaughtin therushhourtraffic.
- I wouldaddmoresaltto that.
- I wouldwearsomething moreformal, if I were you.
- I wouldn'ttouchthat, it'shot.
Giving advice
- (a) word to the wiseidiom
- admonish
- advice column
- advice columnist
- advisability
- adviser
- agony aunt
- agony uncle
- backseat driver
- bum steer
- clinic
- consultant
- consulting
- counsel
- counselling
- handler
- hold a clinicidiom
- lifestyle manager
- talk some sense into sbidiom
- waste
wouldmodal verb(REASON)
used after "why" when giving oraskingthereasonfor something:
(给出或询问原因时用于why之后)竟会Why would anyonewanttoeatsomething sohorrible?为什么会有人想吃这么可怕的东西?
- He came toseeyou. Whyelsewould he come?
- Why would herunaway from thesceneof thecrimeif he wasn'tguilty?
- Why would youdrive, when you could take thetrain?
- Why would anyone do such a thing?
- They must havesplitup. Whyelsewould he bemovingout?
Linguistics: question words & expressions
- amirite
- devil
- extent
- how about...?idiom
- how, what, why, etc. on earth...idiom
- in God's/heaven's nameidiom
- shall
- trick
- what the blazes...?idiom
- what's that (all) about (then)?idiom
- what's the score?idiom
- what/where/how/why the devilidiom
- when
- whenever
- where
- wherefore
- which
- who
- why don't you...?idiom
- world
wouldmodal verb(PROBABILITY)
used to refer to what is verylikely:
可能;大概"Theguyon thephonehad aSouthernaccent." "That would beTom."“打电话的那个人一口南方口音。”“我估计可能是汤姆。”
Possible and probable
- always
- anything's possibleidiom
- arguably
- as never beforeidiom
- auspiciously
- bet
- fair
- it isn't over until the fat lady singsidiom
- lean
- lean towards sth
- liable
- likelihood
- manage
- maybe
- probable
- probably
- prospective
- prospectively
- realm
- tip
We use should as a more formal alternative to would with I and we in conditional clauses.…Would
Would comes first in the verb phrase (after the subject and before another verb):…Would: form
Would comes first in the verb phrase (after the subject and before another verb):…Would:uses
We often use would to make requests. It is a more polite and indirect form of will.…Wouldorwill?
We can use would as a more formal or polite alternative to will in requests. We often use the phrase would you mind + -ing in polite requests.…Would like
We use would like or ’d like to say politely what we want, especially when making offers and requests:…Used to
We use used to when we refer to things in the past which are no longer true. It can refer to repeated actions or to a state or situation:…Used to:meaning and form
We use used to when we refer to things in the past which are no longer true. It can refer to repeated actions or to a state or situation:…Used toorwould?
We can use used to or would to talk about people’s habits in the past. When we use them both together, used to most commonly comes first, as it sets the scene for the actions being reported:…Used toorbe used to?
Used to refers to actions and situations in the past which no longer happen or are no longer true. It always refers to the past:…