word noun (LANGUAGE UNIT )
A1 [C ] asingleunitoflanguagethat hasmeaningand can bespokenor written:
词;字;单词 Youressayshould be no more than two thousand wordslong. 你的论文不应超过2000词。
Some words are moredifficulttospellthanothers. 有些词比其他的词难拼写。
What's the wordfor bikiniinFrench? 法语中的“比基尼”怎么说?
It's sometimesdifficulttofind exactlytheright word toexpresswhat youwantto say. 有时很难找到恰当的词来表达你想说的意思。
the F-word, C-word, etc.
used to refer to a word, usually arudeorembarrassingone, by saying only the firstletterand not thewholeword:
那个以F开头的词/以C开头的词(通常是粗鲁或令人难堪的词,只说出该词的第一个字母来指代) You're still notallowedto say the F-word on TV in the US 在美国的电视上仍然不允许说那个以F开头的词。
So how's thedietgoing - or would youratherI didn'tmentionthe d-word? 节食进行得怎么样——也许你不愿意让我提那个以D开头的词。
I wasfumblingfor therightword. You haven'tlistenedto a word I've said! Write theamountin both words andfigures. Annotatededitionsof Shakespeare'splayshelpreaderstounderstandoldwords. Crossout any words that are not on thelist. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinguistics: terminology & vocabulary
alphabetic Anglicism antonym antonymous applicative archaism buzzword cognate hypernym hyponym inappropriacy inflectional initialism lexis superordinate synonymously syntagmatic term of art terminological vocab See more results »
word noun (TALKING )
B2 [S ] ashortdiscussionorstatement:
简短的交谈,谈话 Themanagerwantsa word. 经理想谈一谈。
Could Ihave a word (with you) about thesalesfigures? 我能(和你)就销售数字谈一谈吗?
Could youhave aquiet word with Mike(=gentlyexplainto him) about theproblem? 或许你可以和气地向迈克解释一下这件事。
words [plural ]
Bothcompetitorshad words(=argued) after thematch. 两名参赛者在比赛后发生了争吵。
Words wereexchanged (=peopleargued) and then someonethrewapunch. 人们吵架了,然后有人打了一拳。
disapproving discussion,ratherthanaction:
讨论(而非行动) Sofarthere have been more words thanactionon thematterofchildcareprovision. 恐怕到目前为止,提供儿童保育的问题更多地停留在讨论层面上,而较少付诸实施。
have/exchange words
totalkto each other for ashorttime:
简短交谈 Weexchangeda few words as we were coming out of themeeting. 我们走出会议室时匆匆交谈了几句。
a good word
astatementofapprovalandsupportfor someone or something:
(表示赞同或支持某人或某事的)好话 If youseethecaptaincould youput in a good wordfor me? 你见了队长能不能替我说句好话?
Thecriticsdidn'thave a good wordto say about theperformance. 评论家们把这场演出说得一无是处。
Could I have a word with you inprivate? Incidentally, Iwantedto have a word with you aboutyourexpensesclaim. Can I have a little word with you? When you've got aminute, I'd like abriefword with you. Could I have aquickword ? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInformation and messages
advertisement aide-mémoire ammunition basics fascia info infodemic infodump infographic information memorandum poop postscript push notification radiogram readout relabel shingle the bare bones the real deal See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Arguments & disagreements
Debate & discussion
Informal talking & conversation
Backing, supporting & defending
word noun (NEWS )
Has there beenany word from Paul since he went to New York? 自从保罗去纽约之后,你听到过他的消息吗?
Wegot word oftheirplanfrom aformercolleague. 我们从以前的一个同事那里得知了他们的计划。
Wordof thediscoverycausedastiramongastronomers. 关于这项新发现的消息在天文学家当中引起了轰动。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInformation and messages
advertisement aide-mémoire ammunition basics fascia info infodemic infodump infographic information memorandum poop postscript push notification radiogram readout relabel shingle the bare bones the real deal See more results »
word noun (PROMISE )
I said I'dvisithim and I willkeep my word. 我说过要去拜访他,我得说话算数。
Youhave my word - I won'ttellasoul. 我保证——我不会告诉别人。
Synonyms assurance (PROMISE)
bond (PROMISE)
oath (PROMISE)
undertaking (PROMISE) formal
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMaking & breaking promises & commitments
be on your honour idiom bond breach cross my heart (and hope to die) idiom deliver fink go back onsomething Hippocratic oath honour keep (herself ) toherself idiom promise renege so help me (God) idiom swear uncommitted undertake unkept vouch forsomething/someone warranty welch See more results »
word noun (ORDER )
We'rewaitingfor the word fromheadofficebefore making astatement. 我们正在等待总部的命令,之后才会发表声明。
Thetroopswill go intoactionassoonastheircommandergives the word. 指挥官一下令,部队就会立即行动起来。
At a word fromtheirteacher, thechildrenstartedto put awaytheirbooks.老师一下命令,孩子们就开始收拾起他们的书来。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInstructions and orders
as per instructions idiom brief briefing charge clarion call command commandment counter-order diktat directive doctor's orders fiat instruction interdict marching orders order orders are orders idiom stipulation unbriefed walkthrough See more results »
Idioms breathe/say a word
by word of mouth
from the word go
giveyour word
have a word insomeone's ear
in a word
insomeone's words
inyour own words
in words of one syllable
a man/woman of his/her word
(upon) my word!
not get a word in edgeways
put in a good word forsomeone
put the word out
put words in/intosomeone's mouth
takesomeone's word for it
take the words out ofsomeone's mouth
word for word
word gets around
word has it
(the) word is
your word isyour bond
(the) word is/gets out
words failme
(a) word to the wise
tochoosethe words you use when you are saying or writing something:
措词;用言辞表达 He worded thereplyin such a way that he did notadmitmaking theoriginalerror. 他在回答中的措词表明他不承认原来犯的错误。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSaying & uttering
(your) every wordidiom add come come out withsomething every fall fromsomething findyour voice idiom get in inyour own words idiom intone loud mouth quoth speak string text think utterance verbalize volunteer See more results »
used,especiallyinAfricanAmerican andhip-hop culture, to say that something istrueor that youagreewith something :
"I justwannabeleftaloneto do my thing." "Word."
used,especiallyinAfricanAmerican andhip-hop culture, toaskif something is reallytrue:
"He gotacceptedat all three of theschoolsheappliedto." "Word?" "Yeah."
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAccepting & agreeing
acceptance accepting accommodation accreditation agree tosomething agree withsomething approved concur currency murmur reconcile root rule seeyour way (clear) todoing something idiom self-acceptance self-acknowledged self-admitted settle onsomething sign on the dotted line idiom unanimous See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistics: interjections
(Definition ofword from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
word noun (LANGUAGE UNIT )
A1 [C ] asingleunitoflanguagethat hasmeaningand can bespokenor written
词;字;单词 Youressayshould be no more than two thousand wordslong. 你的论文不应超过2000词。
Some words are moredifficulttospellthanothers. 有些词比其他的词难拼写。
What's the wordfor bikiniinFrench? 法语中的“比基尼”怎么说?
It's sometimesdifficulttofind exactlytheright word toexpresswhat youwantto say. 有时很难找到恰当的词来表达你想说的意思。
the F-word, C-word, etc.
used to refer to a word, usually arudeorembarrassingone, by saying only the firstletterand not thewholeword
那个以F开头的词/以C开头的词(通常是粗鲁或令人难堪的词,只说出该词的第一个字母来指代) You're still notallowedto say the F-word on TV in the US 在美国的电视上仍然不允许说那个以F开头的词。
So how's thedietgoing - or would youratherI didn'tmentionthe d-word? 节食进行得怎么样——也许你不愿意让我提那个以D开头的词。
I wasfumblingfor therightword. You haven'tlistenedto a word I've said! Write theamountin both words andfigures. Annotatededitionsof Shakespeare'splayshelpreaderstounderstandoldwords. Cross out any words that are not on thelist.
word noun (TALKING )
B2 [S ] ashortdiscussionorstatement
简短的交谈,谈话 Themanagerwantsa word. 经理想谈一谈。
Could Ihave a word (with you) about thesalesfigures? 我能(和你)就销售数字谈一谈吗?
Could youhave aquiet word with Mike(=gentlyexplainto him) about theproblem? 或许你可以和气地向迈克解释一下这件事。
words [plural ]
争吵,口角 Bothcompetitorshad words(=argued) after thematch. 两名参赛者在比赛后发生了争吵。
Words wereexchanged (=peopleargued) and then someonethrewapunch. 人们吵架了,然后有人打了一拳。
disapproving discussion,ratherthanaction
讨论(而非行动) Sofarthere have been more words thanactionon thematterofchildcareprovision. 恐怕到目前为止,提供儿童保育的问题更多地停留在讨论层面上,而较少付诸实施。
have/exchange words
totalkto each other for ashorttime
简短交谈 Weexchangeda few words as we were coming out of themeeting. 我们走出会议室时匆匆交谈了几句。
a good word
astatementofapprovalandsupportfor someone or something
(表示赞同或支持某人或某事的)好话 If youseethecaptaincould youput in a good wordfor me? 你见了队长能不能替我说句好话?
Thecriticsdidn'thave a good wordto say about theperformance. 评论家们把这场演出说得一无是处。
Could I have a word with you inprivate? Incidentally, Iwantedto have a word with you aboutyourexpensesclaim. Can I have a little word with you? When you've got aminute, I'd like abriefword with you. Could I have aquickword ?
word noun (NEWS )
消息;信息 Has there beenany word from Paul since he went to New York? 自从保罗去纽约之后,你听到过他的消息吗?
Wegot word oftheirplanfrom aformercolleague. 我们从以前的一个同事那里得知了他们的计划。
Wordof thediscoverycausedastiramongastronomers. 关于这项新发现的消息在天文学家当中引起了轰动。
word noun (PROMISE )
诺言;承诺 I said I'dvisithim and I willkeep my word. 我说过要去拜访他,我得说话算数。
Youhave my word - I won'ttellasoul. 我保证——我不会告诉别人。
word noun (ORDER )
命令,指示 We'rewaitingfor the word fromheadofficebefore making astatement. 我们正在等待总部的命令,之后才会发表声明。
Thetroopswill go intoactionassoonastheircommandergives the word. 指挥官一下令,部队就会立即行动起来。
At a word fromtheirteacher, thechildrenstartedto put awaytheirbooks.老师一下命令,孩子们就开始收拾起他们的书来。
Idioms breathe/say a word
by word of mouth
from the word go
giveyour word
have a word insb's ear
in a word
insb's words
inyour own words
in words of one syllable
a man/woman of his/her word
(upon) my word!
not get a word in edgeways
put in a good word forsb
put the word out
put words in/intosb's mouth
takesb's word for it
take the words out ofsb's mouth
word for word
word gets around
word has it
(the) word is
your word isyour bond
(the) word is/gets out
words failme
tochoosethe words you use when you are saying or writing something
措词;用言辞表达 He worded thereplyin such a way that he did notadmitmaking theoriginalerror. 他在回答中的措词表明他不承认原来犯的错误。
word | American Dictionary
word noun (LANGUAGE UNIT )
[C ] asingleunitoflanguagethat hasmeaningand can bespokenor written:
The word "environment"meansdifferent things to differentpeople.
ShespokesofastI couldn’tunderstanda word(= anything she said) .
word noun (BRIEF STATEMENT )
[C usually sing ] abriefdiscussionorstatement:
Could I have a word with you?
Let me give you a word ofadvice.
Tell us whathappenedinyour own words (= say it inyourown way) .
word noun (NEWS )
We wereexcitedwhen word of thediscoveryreachedus.
word noun (PROMISE )
You have my word – I won’ttellasoul.
She wouldn't give me her word if she didn'tmeantokeepit.
word noun (ORDER )
[C usually sing ] anorderorrequest:
If youwantme toleave, just say/give the word.
Idioms breathe a word
man ofhis word
the word is
word for word
word of mouth
word verb [T always + adv/prep] (LANGUAGE UNIT )
tochoosethe words with which toexpresssomething:
(Definition ofword from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
words and figures differ
(also words and figures do not agree ) → amounts differ
(Definition ofword from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof word word
From first words to grammar : individual differences and dissociable mechanisms. From theCambridge English Corpus
Theword permitted a nonscientific psychological preoccupation to reappear as the subject of scientific experiment. From theCambridge English Corpus
Morphology by itself in planning the production of spoken words. From theCambridge English Corpus
The zero plural avoids the problem of having two sibilants in quick succession at the end of the words, and coincidentally maintains the classical tradition. From theCambridge English Corpus
In comparison to ordinary conversations, less common words are employed in both informational and narrative texts. From theCambridge English Corpus
Here was a version of philosophical commerce closer to our own definition of theword "commerce," yet one intimately related to practice. From theCambridge English Corpus
It was also easier at this stage to identify words on a phonetic basis. From theCambridge English Corpus
Phonetic transcription reveals that many of children's early uses of wh- words are phonetically reduced and part of fixed sequences. From theCambridge English Corpus
This could be due to a purely syntactic difference between number words and adjectives. From theCambridge English Corpus
First,word forms can be accessed and recognized via the mental representations of their constituent morphemes. From theCambridge English Corpus
Thus, changes in known lexical representations may lead to changes in homonym learning but not novelword learning. From theCambridge English Corpus
In the model,word final stops and fricatives were given weaker representations in the normal case to reflect their lower salience. From theCambridge English Corpus
But this doesn't necessarily mean that the locus of thought is natural language representations (words, syntax, phonology). From theCambridge English Corpus
Do bilinguals activate phonological representations in one or both of their languages when naming words? From theCambridge English Corpus
Accessing conceptual representations for words in a second language. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith word word These are words often used in combination withword .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
archaic word
The second is plaiting it into what are called sennets—an appropriately archaic word—and the third is turning them into matting.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
bandy words
First of all, it gave the accused an opportunity to bandy words with the king's ministers.
From theCambridge English Corpus
cautionary word
This cautionary word continued to be voiced in the twentieth century.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.