uk/ˈwɪn.dəʊˌʃɒp/us/ˈwɪn.doʊˌʃɑː.p/-pp-tospendtimelookingat thegoodsonsaleinshopwindowswithoutintendingtobuyany of them:
They go to theshoppingcentrejust to window-shop.
Theyspentthedaywindow-shopping together inParis.
I like to window-shopdesignerclothes.
window shopping
- Theywantto window-shop withfriendsbeforestrollingtodinneror amovie.
- Peoplecrowdtheglitteringneonshoppingdistrictsatnightto window-shop and people-watch.
- We window-shoppedluxuryitems, andshoppedfor more realistically-pricedgoods.
Miscellaneous pastimes & their participants
- asana
- bicycling
- brass rubbing
- campanologist
- coasteering
- flying fox
- gearhead
- gongoozler
- gongoozling
- longboarding
- numismatics
- philatelist
- philately
- pigeon fancier
- potholing
- storm chaser
- storm chasing
- sunbathing
- tailgating
- trainspotter