Motorracingnow is ultra-safecomparedto how it was in the past.
A fewextraminuteson thegrillwill make themeatultra-safe.
Theiradvisorrecommendedthat theytransfertheirsavingsto an ultra-safemoneymarketfund.
Investorseagerlyboughtup the ultra-safegovernmentbondsatlowinterestrates.
- Somedriversmightdismissthe car'shandlingasboring;otherswouldclassit as ultra-safe.
- They usehigh-techmaterialsto makeultralight, ultrasafe,sturdybikes.
- These ultra-safehydrogenstoragetankswillevenwithstandgunfirewithoutexploding.
- Manypensionfundsmovedassetsaway from ultra-safegovernmentbondstocorporatebonds, tobenefitfromhigheryields.
- Smallinvestorshave put lessmoneyintoequityfunds, and ultrasafebanksavingsdepositshavereachedanall-timehigh.
Safe and secure
- airworthiness
- airworthy
- as safe as housesidiom
- biosafety
- bite
- health and safety
- impregnable
- in safe handsidiom
- innocent
- innocuous
- safe
- safe space
- safeguard
- safely
- safeness
- seaworthy
- someone/somethingwon't biteidiom
- the coast is clearidiom
- well kept
- worthy