uk/ˈwɪm.pər/us/ˈwɪm.pɚ/(especiallyof ananimal) to make aseriesofsmall,weaksoundsexpressingpainorunhappiness:
A half-starveddoglayin thecorner, whimperingpathetically.一条饿得半死的狗趴在角落里,可怜地呜咽着。
I said she couldn't have anicecreamand shestartedto whimper.我说不给她买冰激凌吃,她就开始抽泣。
- The littledogwas whimpering andcryingbecause it was on aleash.
- Everytimethepuppywhimpers, theownerpicksit up.
- Theboyscreamedand whimpered inpain.
Animal (non-human) sounds
- baa
- bark
- bleat
- buzzy
- caterwauling
- chatter
- cockcrow
- coo
- cry
- hee-haw
- honk
- howling
- miaow
- peep
- quack
- squeak
- trill
- trumpet
- warble
- woof
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Expressing and showing feelings
uk/ˈwɪm.pər/us/ˈwɪm.pɚ/aseriesofsmall,weaksoundsexpressingpainorunhappiness,especiallyof ananimal:
Shegavea little whimper as thevetinspectedherpaw.
Thetensesilencewasbrokenby afrightenedwhimper from Louise.
- Thedogletout aslightwhimper as themicrochipwasinsertedinto her back.
- Thedesperatewhimpers coming from inside thelockedapartmentconvincedher she had to get inside.
- She gave a little whimper ofprotest.
Animal (non-human) sounds
- baa
- bark
- bleat
- buzzy
- caterwauling
- chatter
- cockcrow
- coo
- cry
- hee-haw
- honk
- howling
- miaow
- peep
- quack
- squeak
- trill
- trumpet
- warble
- woof
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Expressing and showing feelings