weak link
noun[Cusually singular]
uk/ˌwiːk ˈlɪŋk/us/ˌwiːk ˈlɪŋk/aweakpart,especiallytheweakestpartof something:
薄弱的环节They're afairlygoodteam-theironlyweaklinkis arelativelyinexperiencedgoalkeeper.他们是一支相当强的球队——唯一的薄弱环节就是守门员相对来说经验不足。
Achaincan only be asstrongasitsweakestlink, so we mustlookat the leastcommittedcountrytoseeif thealliancewillhold.一条链子的强度取决于它最薄弱的环节。所以必须观察最不坚定的成员国来确定联盟是否牢固。
Weakness and vulnerability
- Achilles heel
- at a low ebbidiom
- be (only) flesh and bloodidiom
- besomeone'spoodleidiom
- brittle
- helplessly
- helplessness
- house of cardsidiom
- human
- impotence
- sitting target
- soft target
- submissive
- submissively
- submissiveness
- watery
- wetness
- wimpy
- wonky
- wuss