uk/welʃ/us/welʃ/belongingto orrelatingtoWales,itspeople, oritslanguage:
Mymotheris Welsh.
Hishomeis in the Welshtownof Llandovery.
TheynamedthebabyCarys, the Welsh word for "love".
- In the Thomasfamily,supportingthe Welshrugbyteamwas asacredduty.
- He wasbornin Manchester andraisedin thesmallWelshcityof St David's.
Countries, nationalities & continents: nationalities
- Afghan
- Albanian
- Algerian
- an
- Andorran
- Gibraltarian
- Greenlander
- Greenlandic
- Grenadian
- Guatemalan
- non-Indian
- non-Russian
- North American
- North Korean
- Northern Irish
- Vietnamese
- Vincentian
- Welshman
- Welshwoman
- Yemeni
theCelticlanguageofWales, which isspokenas a firstlanguageby somepeople, and also byothersas a secondlanguagetoEnglish:
WespeakWelsh athome.
All thesedocumentsareavailableinWelsh.
HeaskedwhatproportionofsecondaryschoolchildreninWalesareeducatedthrough themediumofWelsh.
the Welsh
The Welsh areknownfortheirloveofmusic.
Though the Welsh are oftenseenasinsular, they have alonghistoryofmigrationandimmigration.
- Welsh is the onlyCelticlanguagebesidesIrishthatappearsto bethriving.
- Of all theextantCelticlanguages, Welshenjoysthe mostvibrantliteraryscene.
- Welsh andBretonbelongto the Brythonicbranchof theCelticlanguages.
- Longpatronizedby theEnglish, the Welsh arequietlyenjoyingEngland'spainfulsearchfor anidentity.
Language names
- Albanian
- American English
- Amharic
- Angrezi
- Aramaic
- Ebonics
- Filipino
- Finno-Ugric
- Georgian
- Greenlandic
- Gujarati
- Manx
- Mongolian
- Montenegrin
- Monégasque
- Nauruan
- Nepalese
- Romany
- Semitic
- Yiddish
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Countries, nationalities & continents: nationalities