ableto beeasilyphysicallyormentallyhurt,influenced, orattacked:
Ifeltvery vulnerable,standingthere without anyclotheson.一丝不挂地站在那儿,我感觉自己不堪一击。
It is oneconomicpolicythat thegovernmentis most vulnerable.政府最易受人诟病的是经济政策。
Tourists are more vulnerabletoattack, because they do notknowwhichareasof thecitytoavoid.游客更容易受到攻击,因为他们不知道城里哪些地方不该去。
not physically strong
- weakShe was too tired and weak to finish the race.
- feebleMany of the pensioners were so feeble they had to be stretchered onto the ship.
- punyHe was puny as a child.
- weedyUKI was just this weedy guy who always had his head in a book.
- frailA frail, grey-haired lady walked slowly down the street.
- Alison'sstoryis areminderof how vulnerable women can be in what is stillessentiallya man'sworld.
- Start-ups are very vulnerable in thebusinessworld.
- Smallcompaniessuch as ours are very vulnerable in arecession.
- Theseschoolsareknownto be vulnerable tovandalism.
- Weprovideaplaceofsafetyfor vulnerablechildren.
Weakness and vulnerability
- Achilles heel
- at a low ebbidiom
- be (only) flesh and bloodidiom
- besomeone'spoodleidiom
- brittle
- helplessly
- helplessness
- house of cardsidiom
- human
- impotence
- sitting target
- soft target
- submissive
- submissively
- submissiveness
- watery
- wetness
- wimpy
- wonky
- wuss
uk/ˈvʌl.nər.ə.bəl//ˈvʌn.rə.bəl/us/ˈvʌl.nɚ.ə.bəl/the vulnerable
peoplewho can beeasilyphysicallyormentallyhurt,influenced, orattacked:
She called on allmemberstocondemnthisoutrageousattackon the vulnerable.
peoplewho can bebadlyaffectedby adiseasebecause they already havehealthproblems:
Our Covidvaccinationstrategyisdesignedtoprotectthe vulnerable, who are most atrisk.
- Humanrightsgroupsclaimthat thebusinesspreys on thepoorand the vulnerable.
- In thestoryshehighlightsthe veryrealimpactof thedrugtradeon the vulnerable.
- People said that the newlawwas going toexploitthe vulnerable andmarginalizethepoor.
- Ittakessomecouragetochampionthe vulnerable, thesick, and theweak.
Weakness and vulnerability
- Achilles heel
- at a low ebbidiom
- be (only) flesh and bloodidiom
- besomeone'spoodleidiom
- brittle
- helplessly
- helplessness
- house of cardsidiom
- human
- impotence
- sitting target
- soft target
- submissive
- submissively
- submissiveness
- watery
- wetness
- wimpy
- wonky
- wuss