vitamin H
chemistry,biologymainlyUSuk/ˌvɪt.ə.mɪn ˈeɪtʃ/us/ˌvaɪ.t̬ə.mɪn ˈeɪtʃ/aBvitamin(= one of agroupofnaturalsubstancesnecessaryfor goodhealth)foundinfoodssuch aseggs,liver(= ananimalorgan), andyeast(= afungusthat makesbreadrise). Ithelpsthebodyusefatsandcarbohydratesand isimportantforhealthyhair,nails, andskin:
维生素H(一种B族维生素)Though thisvitaminis often called Vitamin H, it isactuallypartof the Bcomplexgroupsofvitamins.这种维生素虽然叫维生素H,但实际上是一种B族维生素。
vitamin B7
- Vitamin H or biotin has beendescribedas the mostpowerfulof all thevitamins.
- Theactiveingredientof the suncream (Vitamin H,basically)bindsto thekeratinof theskin.
- AdeficiencyofvitaminH canleadtomultiplesymptoms,includingdepression,hallucinations,musclepain, anddermatitis.
- AlsoknownasvitaminH, biotin is one of the Bcomplexvitaminsthathelpthebodyconvertfoodintoenergy.
Vitamins & minerals
- ascorbic acid
- B vitamin
- bioflavonoid
- biotin
- carotene
- multivitamin
- niacin
- Omega-3
- retinol
- riboflavin
- tocopherol
- vitamin
- vitamin A
- vitamin B1
- vitamin B6
- vitamin B7
- vitamin B complex
- vitamin C
- vitamin D
- vitamin E