—phrasal verbwithwakeverb[IorT]uk/weɪk/us/weɪk/past tensewokeorwaked|past participlewokenorwaked(alsowake up)
to (causeto)becomeconsciousaftersleeping
Come on,wakeup -breakfastisready.快点,快醒醒——早饭都准备好了。
Hewokehimself up with his ownsnoring!他打呼噜都把自己打醒了!
- Babysitting ismoneyforoldropeif thechildrendon'twakeup.
- I gave him anudgetowakehim up.
- I go tosleepon my back but I alwayswakeup in a differentposition.
- I'mprogrammedtowakeup at seven.
- Iwoketheothersup at six.
tostarttoreactto asituationafter aperiodin which you have done very little, or to make someonestarttoreactto asituation
Companies need towakeup andpayattentionto the public'sincreasingconcernabout theenvironment.各企业需要清醒过来,注意了解公众对环境的日益关注。