There is nothing super-special about therestaurant, but it's acomfortableandinexpensiveplacetoeat.
Tickets for thefestivalareavailableat a superspecial earlybirdpriceof £137.50.
- I have a super-specialrelationshipwith mydad.
- Weexpecttoseea lot ofgreatcostumesat theHalloweenparadeand will have some super-specialprizesforourfavourites.
- We have some superspecialeventsplannedfor the store's 25thanniversary,includinglivemusic.
Unique and unusual
- accidental
- alt-
- alternative
- be marked out assomethingidiom
- be one of a kindidiom
- guerrilla
- incongruous
- inimitable
- irreplaceable
- larger than lifeidiom
- personalized
- quaintly
- quaintness
- quirkiness
- quirky
- uniquely
- unmatchable
- unmatched
- unparalleled
- unrivalled