usedespeciallyinquestionsas thesubjectorobjectof averb, whenaskingwhichpersonorpeople, or whenaskingwhat someone'snameis:
谁,什么人Who did this?这是谁做的?
Who's she?她是谁?
Who are all thosepeople?那些人是谁?
Sheaskedme if Iknewwho had got thejob.她问我是否知道谁获得了那份工作。
Who (alsoformalwhom) do youwanttotalkto?您要找哪位?
I don'tknowwho toaskto theparty.我不知道该邀请谁参加聚会。
used withverbsthatrelatetoknowing, when youwantto say that something is notknown:
(与表示“知道”的动词连用,表示不知道)"Are they going to getmarried?" "Whoknows?"(= It is notpossibletoknowat themoment.)“他们是要结婚了吗?”“谁知道呢。”
Whocantellwhat willhappennow?谁知道会发生什么呢?
- Who told you you couldparkthere?
- Who have youinvitedto theparty?
- Whowonthematch?
- Who did youvotefor in the lastelection?
- Who is thepresidentof France?
Linguistics: question words & expressions
- amirite
- devil
- extent
- how about...?idiom
- how, what, why, etc. on earth...idiom
- in God's/heaven's nameidiom
- question tag
- trick
- what the blazes...?idiom
- what's that (all) about (then)?idiom
- what's the score?idiom
- what/where/how/why the devilidiom
- when
- whenever
- where
- wherefore
- which
- why
- why don't you...?idiom
- world
whopronoun(USED TO REFER)
used as thesubjectorobjectof averbto show whichpersonyou are referring to, or toaddinformationabout apersonjustmentioned. It is used forpeople, not things:
(用作动词的主语或宾语,表示所提及的人,或附加所提及的人的信息)Ithinkit wasyourdadwhophoned.我觉得打电话的人是你爸爸。
She's one of thosepeoplewholoveto be thecentreofattention.她是那种喜欢引人注意的人。
He called James, who was a goodfriendas well as thefamilydoctor.他打电话给詹姆斯,詹姆斯既是家庭医生又是他的好朋友。
The otherpeoplewho (alsothat)livein thehouseare reallyfriendly.住在这所房子里的其他人十分友好。
This is Gabriel, who I told you about.这是加布里埃尔,我跟你说起过他。
- We need amayorwho istoughenough tocleanup thistown.
- Thereseemsto be someconfusionover who isactuallygiving thetalk.
- She'spartof ateamofscientistswho areengagedon/uponcancerresearch.
- Have thepolicegot the man who did ityet?
- People whoworkin thetradecanbuytheirbooksat adiscount.
Linguistics: relative forms
- howsoever
- or
- that
- what
- whatever
- whence
- whenever
- where
- whereby
- whereof
- wheresoever
- wherever
- whichever
- whom
- whomever
- whose
- whosoever
- wot
Questions: interrogative pronouns (what,who)
We use interrogative pronouns to ask questions. They are: who, which, whom, what and whose. These are also known as wh-words. Questions using these are called wh-questions:…Interrogative pronouns: uses
We use who and whom on their own:…Who,whom
Who and whom are wh-words. We use them to ask questions and to introduce relative clauses.…Whoas a question word
We use who as an interrogative pronoun to begin questions about people:…Emphatic questions withwhoeverandwho on earth
We can ask emphatic questions using whoever or who on earth to express shock or surprise. We stress ever and earth:…Whoin relative clauses
We use who as a relative pronoun to introduce a relative clause about people:…Whom
Whom is the object form of who. We use whom to refer to people in formal styles or in writing, when the person is the object of the verb. We don’t use it very often and we use it more commonly in writing than in speaking.…Relative pronouns
Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses. The most common relative pronouns are who, whom, whose, which, that. The relative pronoun we use depends on what we are referring to and the type of relative clause.…Relative pronouns:who
We use who in relative clauses to refer to people, and sometimes to pet animals. We use it to introduce defining and non-defining relative clauses:…No relative pronoun
In informal styles, we often leave out the relative pronoun. We only do this in defining relative clauses, and when the relative pronoun is the object of the verb. We don’t leave out the relative pronoun when it is the subject of the verb nor in non-defining relative clauses:…Relative pronouns: typical errors
We can’t use that instead of who, whom or which in non-defining relative clauses:…Idiom
who's who