urban explorer
uk/ˌɜː.bən ɪkˈsplɔː.rər/us/ˌɝː.bən ɪkˈsplɔːr.ɚ/apersonwhoenjoysspendingtimeintownsandcitiesgoing intobuildingsandplacesthat arehiddenor nolongerused, and that may not usually beopento thepublicorlegaltovisit:
Thearticlerevealssome of thesecretsof London'surbanexplorersand howpolicereallywishthey'dstop.
- Sincepartsof thehospitalare still in use,urbanexplorersshould becautiouswhenexploringthegrounds, since there have beenreportsof highsecurity.
- Theysneakedonto theproperty,clearingsoggybranchesout of the way, andclimbingthrough abasementgrateto get inside. Theycallthemselvesurbanexplorers.
- He is aphotographerwith more than twodecadesofexperienceas anurbanexplorer.
Miscellaneous pastimes & their participants
- asana
- bicycling
- brass rubbing
- campanologist
- coasteering
- flying fox
- gearhead
- gongoozler
- gongoozling
- longboarding
- numismatics
- philatelist
- philately
- pigeon fancier
- potholing
- storm chaser
- storm chasing
- sunbathing
- tailgating
- trainspotter