uk/ˈven.tɪ.leɪ.tər/us/ˈven.t̬əl.eɪ.ɚ/anopeningor adevicethatallowsfreshairto come into aclosedspace:
通风口;通风设备Thebathroomhad nowindowbut it had anelectricventilator.
amachinethathelpspeoplebreathewhen they havedifficultybreathingontheirown, byforcingairin and out oftheirlungs:
He wasbroughtintointensivecareshortlyafter theaccidentandimmediatelyput ona ventilator.车祸发生后不久,他就被送进了重症监护病房,并且马上戴上了人工呼吸器。
Threedaysaftersurgery, she was takenoffthe ventilator, but had to go back on it adaylater.
Earlyreportsfounddeathratesas high as 90% among COVID-19patientson ventilators.
He was still in acriticalward, stillbreathingthrougha ventilator and still withoutfeelingin any of hislimbs.
- Thehomes' ventilators arelinkedtotheirhot-watersystems,providingheatandairconditioning, andfilteringout more than 95percentofairborneparticles.
- The new setup willaddescaperoutesforstaffandvisitorsandincludeemergencyventilators topurgethebuildingofsmokeorfumes.
- Hiskidneyswerefailingand a ventilator wasforcingaircontinuallyinto hislungs.
Parts of buildings: vents & ventilation
- air con
- air conditioner
- air conditioning
- air-conditioned
- air-cooler
- chimney
- chimney pot
- chimney stack
- circulator
- cooler
- cowl
- dehumidify
- duct
- ducting
- extractor
- flue
- un-air-conditioned
- vent
- ventilated
- ventilation
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Medical & surgical equipment