uk/ˌven.tɪˈleɪ.ʃən/us/ˌven.t̬əlˈeɪ.ʃən/ventilationnoun[U](PROVIDING AIR)
themovementoffreshairaround aclosedspace, or thesystemthat does this:
通风(设备);空气流通(设备)Herroomhadpoorventilation and insummeritbecameunbearablystuffy.她的房间通风非常不好,到了夏天就闷得要命。
a ventilationsystem通风系统
theactofforcingairin and out of thelungsof apersonwho cannotbreatheeasilyontheirown, using aspecialmachinecalled aventilator:
Oneseniorhospitaldoctorrevealedthatpatientswhoneededventilation inintensivecarewere beingtreatedingeneralwardsbecause of thelackofbeds.
- The lab's ventilationsystemisseparatefrom therestof thebuilding.
- Hesignedon as acivilianemployeewith theheating, ventilation, air-conditioning andrefrigerationshopat the Doverbase.
- Olderpeopleare morelikelytocontractsecondarybacterialpneumonia, and that's where they really get intotrouble, where they needmechanicalventilation andbloodpressuresupport.
- The firstmedicalventilatorsforinfantswereintroducedin the 1960s. Before this,nursesoftenprovidedventilation withhandpumps.
Parts of buildings: vents & ventilation
- air con
- air conditioner
- air conditioning
- air-conditioned
- air-cooler
- chimney
- chimney pot
- chimney stack
- circulator
- cooler
- cowl
- dehumidify
- duct
- ducting
- extractor
- flue
- un-air-conditioned
- vent
- ventilated
- ventilator
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Respiratory disorders
ventilationnoun[U](MAKING KNOWN)
theactofexpressinganopinionormentioningasubjectso that it can bediscussedbyothers:
Heresigned,sparingthebankthepublicventilationofpotentiallydamagingclaimshe had made against it.
- One mustleaveroomfor the ventilation ofideashoweverinvalidthe othersidemayconsiderthem to be.
- Thecommitteeshouldoverseetheschemeandallowforpoliticalventilation of some of theissuesthat willundoubtedlyarise.
- TheLeagueofNationswas to be amachinenot only for thepeacefulsettlementofinternationaldisputesbut also for the ventilation of allinternationalquestions.
Expressing and asking opinions
- amirite
- apothegm
- come out
- couch
- day
- editorialize
- express
- far
- propound
- put
- run
- runsomethingbysomeone
- screed
- should've
- soapbox
- sound off
- talk
- vociferously
- would
- wouldn't