uk/ʌnˈiː.vən.nəs/us/ʌnˈiː.vən.nəs/unevennessnoun[U](NOT LEVEL)
thequalityorfactof not beinglevel,equal,flat, orcontinuous:
不平整,崎岖;不均匀;不连续Thiscalculationillustratesthegeneralunevenness of thedistributionoffamilyresponsibilities.这个估算说明了家庭责任分配的普遍不平衡。
Thetopsof thesewallsareperfectlyhorizontaland withoutregardto the unevenness of the earth'ssurface.这些墙的顶部是完全水平的,不考虑地球表面的不平整。
- The unevenness of thegroundcausedme totripup on everystone.
- The unevenness ofindustrialdevelopmentwasassociatedwithunevendevelopmentofagriculture.
- Thewetleaveshidthe unevenness of theterrain.
Rough, irregular and uneven
- abrasion
- abrasive
- abrasiveness
- bumpy
- coarsely
- jag
- jagged
- jaggedly
- jaggy
- jerky
- pebbled
- pockmarked
- ragged
- raggedly
- raggedness
- raggedy
- scratchy
- unsteadily
- unsteady
- wonky
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Different and difference
Unfairness and favouring someone unfairly
unevennessnoun[U](NOT GOOD)
thefactof not always being of the same highquality:
(质量)不稳定,时好时坏Thisbrutalscheduleaccountsfor thefrustratingunevenness of themusicalperformances.这个残酷的时间表说明了音乐表演令人沮丧的不均衡性。
Theproductionisgripping, but itsuffersfrom unevenness oftone.这部作品扣人心弦,但却存在着音调不均的问题。
- There is an unevenness to thequalityof thechapters.
- On thisoccasion, there's ahugeunevenness in theperformances.
Quite good, or not very good
- acceptable
- adequacy
- adequate
- adequately
- agreeable
- fair
- iffy
- impure
- indifferent
- indifferently
- kind
- pass
- patchiness
- patchy
- raggedly
- raggedness
- reasonable
- rose
- rough
- scratch