uk/ˌʌnˈlɪr.ɪ.kəl/us/ˌʌnˈlɪr.ɪ.kəl/notlyrical(=expressingpersonalthoughtsandfeelingsin abeautifulway):
Thecriticscalled his newcollectionofpoetrybland,cold, and unlyrical.
It's one of the most unlyricalsongsI haveeverheard.
- Newoperasdo not come along that often, so it's agreatdisappointmentthat thislatestone has beencriticizedas unlyrical byreviewers.
- If you don'twantyourworkto comeacrossas unlyrical, it'sbesttosimplyforgetaboutstyleand write from theheart.
- Thispoemisdeliberatelyunlyrical as thepoetquestionsconventionalideasofbeauty.
- action hero
- alliterative
- alternative history
- anapest
- anti-literary
- femslash
- fictionality
- fictive
- free verse
- genre fiction
- ode
- passion play
- pentameter
- poem
- poesy
- tartan noir
- theatrics
- topos
- tragedy
- tragicomic