(UKalsounliveable)uk/ˌʌnˈlɪv.ə.bəl/us/ˌʌnˈlɪv.ə.bəl/that cannot belivedin:
Theconditionswere sopoorthat thebuildingsweredeclaredunlivable.
Thestreetviolencehasbecomesobadthat thispartoftownhasbecomealmostunlivable.
Iknewtheareaand how it wasalmostcompletelyunlivable.
Hesuggeststhat Londonbecomesmore and more unliveable as you getolder.
notableto belivedin a way that isacceptable:
They madelifeunlivable for anyone whodaredtodisagreewith them.
She saidlifewas unlivable forkidslike them.
- Thepollutionin theriver, fromfieldrun-offandsewagedischarge, had made italmostunlivable fornativefish.
- Theincrediblyhighpricesforeventhesmallestofflatsare making London unlivable for manypeople.
- Theearthquakedamagehadreducedtheapartmentblockto an unlivablestate.
- Thisdevelopmentwill make thecitymore unliveable byencouragingcaruseratherthancycling,walkingandpublictransport.
Living or sleeping somewhere
- abide
- co-resident
- co-residential
- domiciled
- dwell
- inhospitable
- live in
- live in sinidiom
- live out
- lodge
- occupancy
- populate
- reoccupation
- repopulate
- repopulation
- reside
- residence
- settle
- slum
- tenancy
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Life and living