uk/ʌnˈtʃɑː.tɪd/us/ʌnˈtʃɑːr.t̬ɪd/An unchartedareahas not had amapmade of it and has not beendescribed:
Duringsurvivaltraining, he wascriticizedforventuringrecklesslyinto unchartedwilderness.
Most of theundergroundtunnelsandcavenetworksare uncharted orinadequatelymapped.
completelynew and notpreviouslydescribedorexperienced, andthereforepossiblydifficulttodealwith:
Nuclearfusionhas takenphysicistsintopreviouslyunchartedterritory.
We are going into unchartedwaterswith this newexperiment.
Sheurgedyoungpeopleto be moredaring, to take morerisksandventureinto unchartedseas.
- Thegoalwas to have adefinitivemapthisyear. Instead, much of thestateremainsuncharted,especiallyruralareas.
- Helovedthehauntingbeautyof Antarctica - the lastgreatunchartedwilderness.
- Now everyone is in unchartedwaters. Such a thing has neverhappenedbefore, notevenclose.
- She was in unchartedterrain, and theproblemsshefacedwere oftencompletelyunexpected.
Maps & map-making
- atlas
- cartographic
- chart
- compass rose
- contoured
- contouring
- coord
- coordinate
- geolocation
- isotherm
- plot
- resurvey
- road map
- satnav
- site map
- survey
- the Ordnance Survey
- the prime meridian
- triangulation
- trig point
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Unknown and unfamiliar