(of abird) to make aseriesofshort, highsounds:
(鸟)鸣啭,啁啾I waswokenup by abirdtwittering justoutsidemywindow.一大早我就被窗外一只叽叽喳喳的小鸟弄醒了。
The onlysoundswere thebirdstwittering andchirpingin thetrees.
Animal (non-human) sounds
- baa
- bleat
- buzzy
- caterwauling
- chatter
- cockcrow
- coo
- cry
- hee-haw
- honk
- howling
- miaow
- moo
- peep
- purr
- quack
- squeak
- trill
- trumpet
- warble
totalkquicklyandnervouslyin a highvoice, saying very little ofimportanceorinterest:
叽叽喳喳地说话She comes in here when I'mtryingtoworkand just twittersonabout nothing.我在工作时她进来了,叽叽喳喳地尽给我讲一些鸡毛蒜皮的事。
Theoldladieswere twittering in thereceptionarea.
Ways of talking
- beg the questionidiom
- blah
- blether
- blither
- coo
- declaim
- declamatory
- gabble
- loose
- mumble
- pipe
- ramble
- rattle on/away
- stage whisper
- talk trashidiom
- throwyourvoiceidiom
- trash
- trill
- word salad
- yak
twitterverb(SOCIAL MEDIA)
topublishashortremarkorpieceofinformationon thesocialmediaserviceTwitter:
I twittered during theraceso that mygirlfriendknewwhere I was and so thatpeopleathomecouldfollowme.
People have Twittered thebirthoftheirchildren, getting intocollegeand haveevenproposedmarriage.
- He says he had anuglyrun-inwith aracistat theairportand twittered that he woulddieif he had tolivein thecity.
- Theybegandiscussingsomething that one of thefriendsTwittered thatafternoon, as ifpickingup aconversationin themiddle.
- We're all Twittering the same thing,tryingto get as muchinformationout there aspossible.
- Since the showfinishedrecording, she has been twittering on-line but makes nomentionof herformerbeau.
Internet terminology
- above/below the foldidiom
- address bar
- affiliate link
- affiliate marketing
- all-you-can-eat
- domain name
- internet
- internet café
- internet-enabled
- interweb
- IP
- keyboard warrior
- podcast
- refresh
- shopping basket
- unlike
- upvote
- user experience
- utility computing
- UX
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Writing & typing
uk/ˈtwɪt.ər/us/ˈtwɪt̬.ɚ/aseriesofshort, highsoundsmade by abird:
Weheardthefainttwitter ofbirds.
The twitters andchirpsfrom the treetopsgrewlouder.
- I waswokenby the twitter ofbirds.
- Sheplayedme the tape-recorded twitter of awarbler.
Animal (non-human) sounds
- baa
- bleat
- buzzy
- caterwauling
- chatter
- cockcrow
- coo
- cry
- hee-haw
- honk
- howling
- miaow
- moo
- peep
- purr
- quack
- squeak
- trill
- trumpet
- warble