(象、野猪等)有长牙的动物,巨齿动物This is where Kenya'sgianttuskerswanderfreelyagainst thestunningbackdropof Kilimanjaro.在乞力马扎罗山的壮丽背景下,肯尼亚的巨齿动物就自由自在地游走。
- Byclimbingtreesthey had had afairlygoodviewof theherd, which theydescribedasnumberingseverallargetuskers and agreatmanycowsandcalves.
- Once thepoachershavekilledoff thebigmaletuskers, theyturnto theyoungermalesforivory.
- If I cameacrossasleepingmaletuskerboarin thewild, I woulddefinitelyleavehimsleeping.
- Join theelephantherd, andseeBotswana's Okavango Delta from the back of a five-ton, 10ft-tallAfricantusker.
Wild mammals
- aardvark
- anteater
- armadillo
- Bactrian
- bandicoot
- grizzly bear
- hedgehog
- hippopotamus
- javelina
- joey
- peccary
- pine marten
- platypus
- polar bear
- polecat
- tamandua
- tapir
- Tasmanian devil
- Tasmanian wolf
- thylacine