uk/ˌʌn.dəˈkʌt/us/ˌʌn.dɚˈkʌt/present participleundercutting|past tense and past participleundercutundercutverb[T](CHARGE LESS THAN)
tochargeless than acompetitor:
要价低于(竞争对手)Bigsupermarketscan undercut allrivals,especiallysmallfamily-ownedshops.大型超市售价可以低于所有竞争对手,尤其是那些商业街上的小店铺。
Theyclaimto undercuttheircompetitorsbyat least fivepercent.他们宣称售价至少要比竞争对手低5%。
Price decreases
- bargain
- bear market
- bearish
- closeout
- concessional
- couponer
- couponing
- cratering
- deflate
- deflation
- depreciate
- devalue
- drop off
- freeze
- knock off (something)
- marksomethingdown
- overdiscount
- post-devaluation
- projected value
- spiral
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
todamagesomething or to make itfail:
削弱;损害;使失败Hesuspectedit was anattemptto undercut hisauthority.他怀疑这是企图削弱他的权力。
Upsetting and destabilizing
- bring
- bringsomeonedown
- delegitimize
- destabilization
- destabilize
- disruptive
- disruptively
- knock/throwsomeonefor a loopidiom
- loop
- make wavesidiom
- put the skids undersomethingidiom
- rock
- stir
- turn
- unsettle
- unsettling
- unspool
- unspooling
- upset
- wave
ahairstylein which thehairisshavedorcutveryshortat thesidesand back of theheadandleftlongeron thetop:
Whenaskingfor an undercut, you must say howlongyouwantthe scissor-cuthairontopto be.
an undercutstyle
- Thehairon thetopof theheadin an undercut isleftlongenough to bestyledin many differentways.
- Even if you havecurlyhairyou can stilllookgreatin an undercut.
- If you havethinhair, you shouldselectalayeredundercut toaddvolume.
- The undercut is acoolway toswitchup anyhairstyle.
- Afro
- Afro puff
- bandeau
- Bantu knots
- barnet
- blow-dry
- bowl cut
- chignon
- dreadlocks
- fade
- hair extension
- hairdo
- kiss curl
- pudding basin
- relaxed
- shake out
- shoulder-length
- sidelock
- skinhead
- spiked
acutshapedlike a V that is made at thebottomof thetrunk(=thickmainstem)of atreebefore it iscutdown, tocontrolthedirectionin which itfalls:
The undercut is aV-shapednotchcutinto thesideof thetreein thedirectionoffalling.
- Theillustrationshowsloggersputting the undercut in atreebeforefelling.
- Here you canseealoggerusing achainsawtocutout an undercutwedgethat willservetodirectthe tree'sfall.
- In thistypeof undercut aportionof thefrontfaceof thestumpis alsoremoved.
- afforestation
- agroforestry
- arborist
- brush
- cut down
- deforest
- deforestation
- disafforest
- logging
- lumberjack
- old growth
- ranger
- reafforest
- reafforestation
- slash-and-burn
- the treeline
- tree-lined
- understorey
- woodcutter
- woody