(alsoultrapractical)uk/ˌʌl.trəˈpræk.tɪ.kəl/us/ˌʌl.trəˈpræk.tɪ.kəl/veryusefulandsuitablefor using in aparticularsituation:
Thetravelbagis ultra-practical, with threespaciouscompartmentstokeepyourbelongingsorganizedandeasytoreach.
Theartistdevisedan ultrapracticalsolutionforstoringhissupplies.
- Theshoesnot only have astylishdesign, they arecomfortableand ultra-practical for anyweather.
- With aknife,corkscrew, andscrewdriverall in one, it's an ultrapracticaltoolto have in thekitchen.
- Sheshoppedaround for an ultra-practicalgiftfor herfriend, who wasmovinginto a newapartment.
Suitable and acceptable
- able
- acceptability
- acceptable
- accepted
- accordingly
- decent
- decently
- eligibility
- eligible
- felicitous
- horse
- practical
- respectable
- respectably
- rightly
- satisfaction
- seasonable
- sit
- taste
- ticket