uk/ˌtrænz.mɪˈsɒdʒ.ən.i/us/ˌtrænz.mɪˈsɑː.dʒən.i/dislikeorunfairtreatmentoftransgenderwomen(= women who were not said to befemaleatbirth):
厌跨女症,对跨性别女性的歧视As apoliticalpartywe mustrootout transphobia and transmisogyny from themovement.作为一个政党,我们必须在运动中根除变性人恐惧症和厌跨女症。
- After I transitioned Iexperiencedtransmisogyny - acombinationofdiscriminationfor being atransgenderpersonand also for being a woman.
- All transmisogyny is, first andforemost,misogyny.
- She'slookingforwardto anescapefrom theroutinehostilityand transmisogyny that havedefinedmost of herteenageyears.
- Transmisogyny: theintersectionbetween transphobia andmisogyny, where the twoformsofbigotryoverlap.
Feelings of dislike and hatred
- abhorrence
- abomination
- anathema
- animosity
- animus
- disgust
- dislike
- distaste
- distastefully
- enmity
- loathing
- misandrist
- misandry
- misanthrope
- misanthropy
- repulsion
- self-loathing
- sore point
- technophobe
- vitriol