something that istranslated, or theprocessoftranslatingsomething, from onelanguageto another:
(从一种语言到另一种语言的)翻译;译文Students will do oneSpanishtranslation aweek.孩子们每周做一次西班牙语翻译。
Aliteraltranslationof"euthanasia" would be "gooddeath".euthanasia 这个词从字面上翻译就是“安乐死”。
TheEnglishversionisboring-maybeit haslostsomethingintranslation(= is not as good as theoriginal).英语版读起来枯燥乏味——也许翻译得有点儿走味。
in translation
changedinto someone's ownlanguage, not in theoriginallanguage:
翻译过来的ShereadsProust in translation.她读的是普鲁斯特作品的译本。
- I havetriedtokeepmy translation asfaithfulaspossibleto theoriginalbook.
- The novel'scomplex,imaginativestyledoes notlenditself to translation.
- Her translation is tooliteral,resultinginheavy,unnaturalprose.
- It's only aloosetranslation of thepoem.
- The translation of theinstructionswas sopoorthey were justnonsense.
Using other languages
- Anglocentric
- Anglocentrism
- anglophone
- bilingualism
- biliterate
- code switch
- interpret
- linguist
- monolingual
- native speaker
- non-native
- non-native speaker
- non-speaker
- pinyin
- polyglot
- render
- rendering
- signer
- target language
- translator