apersonwho goes onto someone'slandorenterstheirbuildingwithoutpermission:
Can't youreadthesign? It says "Trespassers will beprosecuted!"
Asignwarnstrespassers they may beshot.
- Burglars, trespassers, andevenhardenedcriminalsmust beguaranteedbasicrights.
- He and hiscolleaguesareconstantlyfrustratedbypersistentvandalsand trespassers.
- They're onspeciallookoutforthievesand trespassers.
Miscellaneous criminals
- arsonist
- artifice burglar
- bigamist
- bioterrorist
- black hat
- distraction burglar
- distraction thief
- drug dealer
- embezzler
- expropriator
- launderer
- looter
- lowlife
- lynch mob
- man of straw
- scofflaw
- shicer
- shoplifter
- small-timer
- smuggler
trespassernoun[C](IMMORAL PERSON)
apersonwho does something oractsin a way that is notmorallyacceptable:
违规者,冒犯者Forgiveness can only takeplacewhen the trespasser isrepentant.只有当侵害者忏悔了,才能给予宽恕。
They wouldstandon thepavementssinginghymns, while thesinningtrespasser was beingverballyabused.他们只知道站在人行道上唱圣歌,无视犯禁的罪人被人责骂。
- The man whostealsis often less of amoraltrespasser than the man who gives.
- The trespasserintendedto end another'slife, but he has onlydestroyedhis own.
Religious concepts: sin
- commit
- immortal
- mortal sin
- original sin
- penance
- purification
- sin
- sinful
- sinfully
- sinfulness
- sinless
- sinner
- the seven deadly sins
- trespass
- venial