uk/tɪndʒ/us/tɪndʒ/a veryslightamountof acolouror of afeeling:
(颜色或情感的)一丝,少许Hishairisstartingto show tingesofgrey.他的头发开始显得有点儿花白。
Ifelta tingeofregretthat I hadn'tacceptedheroffer.没有接受她的好意,我感到一丝遗憾。
Colour - general words
- bleed
- chalkiness
- chalky
- colour
- colour wheel
- colouration
- complementary
- hue
- palette
- pigmented
- primary colour
- recolour
- secondary colour
- shade
- spectroscope
- spectrum
- tie-dye
- tint
- tinted
- tone
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Feelings - general words
verb[Tusually passive]
(使)带有一点Herjoyat thebirthof hersonwas tingedwithsadnessthat herfatherhad notlivedtoseehim.儿子出生带给她的欢乐中夹杂着一丝淡淡的悲伤,因为她父亲没有活到看见外孙的降生。
Including and containing
- absorptive capacity
- all in
- assimilable
- assimilate
- buildsomethingin/intosomething
- carry
- cast
- encompass
- enshrine
- extend
- factor
- factorsomethingin
- forget
- packsomethingin
- package
- pepper
- peppersomethingwithsomething
- plug(something/someone)intosomething
- reincorporate
- rich