time bomb
noun[Cusually singular]
(alsotimebomb)uk/ˈtaɪm ˌbɒm/us/ˈtaɪm ˌbɑːm/time bombnoun[C usually singular](BOMB)
abombcontainingadevicethat makes itexplodeat aparticulartime:
She is like atickingtimebombwaitingtoexplode.
- Timebombsbegantoexplodeall over thecity.
- Policesaid thetimebombswent off early onMondaymorning.
- Somevirusesbehavelike timebombs,hidingtheirpresenceanddestructivenessuntil they have had achancetospread.
Bombs & missiles
- anti-mine
- anti-missile
- anti-radar
- anti-satellite
- anti-ship
- enrich
- enrichment
- Exocet
- firebomb
- frag bomb
- Molotov cocktail
- mortar
- mushroom cloud
- napalm
- neutron bomb
- smoke bomb
- suicide belt
- suicide vest
- superbomb
- surface-to-air missile
time bombnoun[C usually singular](DIFFICULT SITUATION)
asituationthat islikelytobecomedifficulttodealwith orcontrol:
潜在危险;隐患Byignoringthewishesoftheiremployees, themanagersaresetting/creatingatimebombfor themselves.忽视了雇员的愿望,管理人员等于是在给自己埋下/制造一颗定时炸弹。
Theprisongovernorsaresittingonatimebomb(= are having todealwith abadsituationthat islikelytobecomedifficulttodealwith orcontrol).监狱长们如同正坐在定时炸弹上。
- We arefacingthedemographictimebombof arapidlyageingpopulation.
- Thesectorhasknownabout this timebomb for sometime.
- He must do something toeasefinancialpressuresor wefaceadebttimebomb about toexplode.
Difficult situations and unpleasant experiences
- a hard/tough row to hoeidiom
- abyss
- adversity
- atyourworstidiom
- Augean
- bad hair day
- emergence
- epidemic
- genie
- half nelson
- hardness
- have a bumpy rideidiom
- quicksand
- rabbit hole
- reversal
- rigour
- rollercoaster
- the Augean Stablesidiom
- the hard wayidiom
- vortex