informalold-fashionedorhumorousuk/ˌtuː.dəlˈuː/us/ˌtuː.dəlˈuː/(alsoUKtoodle-pip,uk/ˌtuː.dəlˈpɪp/us/ˌtuː.dəlˈpɪp/toodles,/ˈtuː.dəlz/us/ˈtuː.dəlz/)a way of sayinggoodbye:
Toodle-oo! I'm off.Seeyoulater.
Words from the 1920s like toodle-oo, toodle-pip, or righthosoundsodatedtoday.
Thanks so much foryourhelp. Toodles!
- And for now, toodle-oo myfriends. Till wemeetagain!
- SogoodbyeSex and the City,farewell, toodle-pip, au revoir, mwah-mwah!
- The Minister wasforcedtoresignand had towave"toodle-pip" to thepowerandluxuryhe hadwantedsodesperately.
Welcoming, greeting & greetings
- adieu
- afternoon
- air kiss
- aloha
- ayup
- buh-bye
- five
- good evening
- greet
- hello strangeridiom
- howdy
- mind
- namaskar
- pleased
- poke
- pumpsomeone'shandidiom
- receive
- salaam
- shalom
- wish
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistics: interjections