internet & telecomsspecializeduk/ˈteð.ər.ɪŋ/us/ˈteð.ɚ.ɪŋ/the use of amobilephoneas awirelessinternetconnectionto which you canconnectotherdevices:
网络共享,手机数据连线共享(即将手机的无线网络连接分享给其他装置使用)I've been usingwi-fitethering through mymobilephone.我一直通过手机使用无线网络共享。
Tetheringletsmobilephoneownersusetheirdevicesasmodemsfor otherdevices.网络共享让手机用户可以把手机当作调制解调器供其他设备使用。
- Does thisphonesupportwi-fitethering?
- Seeif you have theinternettetheringoptionavailableinsettings.
- People wholoveusingtheirhandsetwiththeircomputerswilllovethesavingsthatfreemobiletethering can give.
Computer concepts
- 3-D printing
- adaptive learning
- additive manufacturing
- addy
- aeroplane mode
- backup
- capture
- computing
- configuration
- importation
- information age
- information security
- information superhighway
- infosec
- scan
- transcoding
- Trojan horse
- tuple
- Turing Machine
- Turing test