formaluk/vəˈlɪʃ.ən.əl/us/vəˈlɪʃ.ən.əl/actingas aresultof adecisionorchoice; done because someone hasdecidedorchosento do it:
行使意志的,选择的,决定的mentalprocessesover which we have volitionalcontrol我们能够通过意志控制的心理过程
Theactionis notmechanical; it is volitional.这个动作不是机械的,而是有意为之的。
- Thecomplaintsallegedvolitionalactsratherthanaccidentaloccurrences.
- Thepurposeof theinsanitydefenseis toensurethat acriminalsanctionisimposedonly on those who had thecognitiveand volitionalcapacitytocomplywith thelaw.
- This is atimeoflifein which youbecomea volitionalconsumerasopposedto beingdressedbyyourparents.
- The firstdrinkmay be volitional, but after onebecomesaddicted, itbecomesacompulsion.
Decisions and deciding
- ascription
- balance
- be make or break forsomeone/somethingidiom
- be on the horns of a dilemmaidiom
- choose
- clinch
- fight
- fish
- fix
- if/when it comes to the crunchidiom
- in the balanceidiom
- judgment call
- judicial review
- make or breaksomethingidiom
- resolution
- top-down
- toss up
- unadjudicated
- unelected
- volition